I witnessed history

By Emma Pennington

I will never forget June 26th.

Early Friday morning, I woke up and immediately flipped to the news. Slowly people were gathering outside of SCOTUS, also anxiously awaiting the decision. At 10am interns poured out of the building to alert the press. And then it was announced.

I had to hear it twice to believe it had really happened, "the Supreme Court has ruled in favor of marriage equality". I was met with a rush of both relief and pride in my country.

A sense of pride was also felt online. On Facebook and twitter, many friends began to wake up to the good news. It was all people talked about that day. My favorite artists on instagram began sharing sketches and paintings expressing their excitement. Rainbow profile pictures also grew more frequent over the weekend.

Although the struggle for equality is not completely over, this is a huge step to be celebrated. If you had told me 10 years ago that marriage equality would be "law of the land" in all 50 states, I probably wouldn't have believed you. I am so lucky to witness this in my lifetime.

The CCAD family has always been safe and welcoming for LGBT individuals, and made me feel right at home. I hope the rest of the country soon becomes as safe and accepting as my school was.

Emma Pennington is a CCAD senior animation major who enjoys watching Netflix, quoting the Simpsons, and sharing sketches on her personal blog.