Illustrating Marcus Billingsley

Illustration, Headshot of Marcus in black sweater against a white background, not smiling, with pink lighting shining on face and wall

Cleveland native Marcus Billingsley (Illustration, 2017) makes work that is, by turns, bold, surreal, and humorous, with a fine-tuned attention to detail. His illustrations, which will be available for purchase at the CCAD Art Fair 2016 on Saturday, Dec. 3, are informed by his childhood experiences, by his hometown, and, he says, by his Columbus College of Art & Design peers. Prices for his traditional and digital media prints range from $15 to $75.

Read more from Billingsley below, and find more examples of his work on his personal website, or on Instagram.


What’s your artistic philosophy, or perspective behind your work?

The philosophy behind my work is centered on my feelings, emotions and thoughts. I use art as a way to communicate my perspective to my audience. In a lot of ways, it’s therapy for me. I get to release everything that’s on my mind and heart. It's a crazy thing really.

Why did you want to participate in the CCAD Art Fair?

I think that the Art Fair takes a lot of hard work and courage to participate in. It's a real challenge for students in that it gives them the opportunity to gain some professional experience before being out in the real world. And so far it’s been an experience that I don't think I would've gotten anywhere else at this point in my career.

Illustration, blue and yellow Illustrated print of large cat peeking through flowering tree branches and birds

How has your CCAD education influenced the work you will be offering for sale?

A lot of the work I will be selling will be influenced by my peers. A lot of my work has been focused on the relationships and people centered in my life at the moment. Honestly, if it weren't for some of my friends, things would be much harder.


CCAD Art Fair 2016

Saturday, Dec. 3, 2016
First Look: 9 a.m. – 11 a.m.
General Admission: 11 a.m. – 2 p.m.
Loann Crane Center for Design (at the corner of Cleveland Avenue and Gay Street)

Parking is free. Tickets are available at the door. First Look costs $20; General Admission costs $5. Proceeds from ticket sales benefit CCAD student programming.