Illustration alumnus has busy autumn

Illustration alumnus John Malta (CCAD 2010) has been hard at work this fall, with numerous published illustrations, exhibitions across the country, and even a new comic scheduled to be released in November.

Malta's illustrations were published in The Washington Post, The New Yorker, and The New York Times and appeared on the cover of the band Way Yes' new album, Tog Pebbles.

His art has taken him all over the country, from a pop-up gallery at Urban Outfitter's Gallery Space 15 Twenty in Los Angeles and a group show at Double Punch Gallery in San Francisco, to the Wonder Fair Gallery in Lawrence, KS, and the Temp Gallery in New York City.

Malta will bring his work back to Columbus with GOOD GRIEF!, a three-artist show at Roy G Biv Gallery in June 2014.

Malta's adventure comic The Professor & the Paperboy will be available at Comic Arts Brooklyn in November, where he will be at a table with Space Face Books.

Malta lives in Kansas City, MO. He was born in East Cleveland, OH, attended North High School.