Illustration alumnus receives grant to self-publish comic

Illustration, pink, black, and white illustrated book cover featuring two figures high fiving with many smaller scenes taking place in foreground, white text reads "The Professor and the Paperboy"

Cover of "The Professor and the Paperboy"

Illustration alumnus John Malta (CCAD 2010) received a grant from the Xeric Foundation to self-publish his comic book, The Professor and the Paperboy.

“I am working on part two of The Professor and the Paperboy, so I can publish both as a two-part box set,” Malta said.

The book follows the adventures of a distinguished professor of theoretical physics named Reginald Cornelius Oozeman and his paperboy, Grover.

The Xeric Foundation is a private, nonprofit corporation established by Peter A. Laird, co-creator of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Planet Racers. The foundation offers financial assistance to committed, self-publishing comic book creators and qualified charitable and nonprofit organizations.