Indie animation series Malt Adult features CCAD student for 3rd anniversary

malt adult poster

Columbus College of Art & Design alum Sarah Schmidt (Animation, 2014) launched the Malt Adult event series in November 2016 with one major goal: Start a stronger conversation around independent animation in the Midwest. Each bimonthly event showcases world-class animation and local work, bringing fans of storytelling together in a fun and informative communal event.

Since 2016, Malt Adult has gotten pretty popular—packing houses and pop-up events in Columbus, Chicago, LA, and New York. It will celebrate its third anniversary with a free, 32-film event, titled Malt Adult Animation Night #16, at Gateway Film Center on Saturday, Dec. 7, 2019. The party starts with a mixer at 5:30 p.m. in the upper lobby of the Gateway, and animation programming will begin at 7 p.m., featuring four 45-minute blocks with intermissions throughout. (You can read more about the event in this Q&A here.)

CCAD student Victoria Douglas (Illustration, 2020) is the featured artist for the event, joining a stacked lineup of visiting animators from New York and across the region.

“It’s such a privilege to have my work shown alongside so many talented contemporary animators,” Douglas said. “People are flying in from all over the place to attend. ... I couldn't be more excited.”

At the showcase, Douglas will debut their most recent animated short, Don't Forget the Eggs, a project that’s allowed them to explore their interdisciplinary practice of animation and illustration.

“Animation, as a whole, has always been a release valve,” they said. “It’s never been my major or area of biggest focus, but that had the odd side effect of letting me create some of my most authentic work. It’s opened a lot of doors and gotten me a lot more work than I would have expected.”

For example, through their animation coursework at CCAD, Douglas met Malt Adult’s leader, Schmidt, who is a resident artist at CCAD’s Cloyd Family Animation Center

“Your professional network is not only the most important part of your creative practice, it's the part you have the least direct control over,” Douglas said. “I feel like I have worked hard to develop myself as an artist, and I am proud of the work that I do and the standard I hold myself to. But every single opportunity I have ever gotten has been the result of putting myself out there at social events and meeting people who can open doors.”

Opportunities to make these connections uniquely abound in Columbus, Douglas added, recommending multidisciplinary events like Cartoon Crossroads, SPX, CTNx, Lightbox.  

“And of course,” they said, “go to Malt Adult.”


Learn more about Malt Adult Animation Night #16 Third Anniversary Party.