Introducing CCAD Together

ccad together on blue

For more than 141 years, the Columbus College of Art & Design family has been united by a shared sense of resilience and a spirit of harnessing creative talents in the service of change-making. The COVID-19 pandemic has presented challenges to institutions of higher learning around the world, and CCAD is no exception. But together we will discover solutions and continue to create, learn, and grow.

CCAD Together is your resource during the COVID-19 pandemic

Whether you're a student looking for details about remote learning support, a family member interested in the college’s health and safety protocols, or a faculty or staff member wanting to review CCAD’s Return to Campus Plan, you’ll find the information you need about CCAD’s fall 2020 semester and the college’s response to COVID-19 at CCAD Together.

To help you navigate, we’ve divided CCAD Together into three categories: Learning Together, Living Together, and Working Together.

Key elements of CCAD Together

  • Details on CCAD’s health and safety protocols, including a face mask requirement, a mandatory and self-administered daily health check for anyone on campus, and cleaning and disinfecting processes.
  • What the remote semester will look like, including adjustments to Packard Library, the Counseling & Wellness Center, and Career Services.
  • Our plan for communicating positive COVID-19 cases on campus.
  • Steps for students, faculty, and staff to take if they’re feeling sick or suspect they may have been exposed to COVID-19.
  • Our Community Commitment, a look at our shared standards as we navigate the COVID-19 pandemic.

How does CCAD Together fit in with some of our other methods of communication and resources? CCAD Together is the gateway to everything you need to know for fall 2020. The Public Health page continues to serve as an archive of the college’s time-sensitive announcements about COVID-19, and Create Away remains the spot to find remote learning and teaching resources.

Information you need now and later

There’s a lot of information to digest on CCAD Together. Take time to explore now, and bookmark it for future reference.

For more information about CCAD Together, email