Local artists show off at RAW artists Columbus event

By Sakhile Vanqa

RAW comes to Columbus!

On Feb. 26, RAW Columbus created an event called Pixels, for artists in Columbus to showcase their work and get their names out there. Skully’s Bar and Grill hosted the event and I feel like the space there was brilliant. I was there to support my friend Jean Paul Senior (JP), who is a senior in Illustration and will be graduating this May. While I was there, I also met a few other artists with CCAD in their blood.

JP was placed right across from CCAD alumni Allison Dandrea and Evens Joseph. They facilitated the stall together while Evens' work was on display. He works on paper and wood and produces intricately beautiful illustrations. They are an awesome duo!

RAW comes to Columbus!

RAW Columbus is holding exhibitions at regular intervals so anyone interested in showing their work can do so. It's a fantastic thing that they've got started here!Senior Lara Al-Sondani was upstairs with her stall. She has partnered with her husband, and they are in the business of jewelry making. It was great to finally introduce myself to her—we met through someone and from there we briefly chatted but it was never long enough to mention that minor formality: I don’t know your name.

I had an informal interview with JP to see how he felt about the entire experience.

Photo of Lara Al-Sondani and models

Lara Al-Sondani with her models beside her at their stall.

Q. How did you hear about the showcase?

A. My friends are business associates who own their own promoting company for artists called Tribal Affairs. They were in the showcase and told me about the showcase and RAW itself.

Q. What did it take for you to prepare for the showcase?

A. I needed new art and equipment, I needed to be organized, and, most importantly, I needed to be professional. I needed to build up new pieces that hadn't been seen so people will know what I do as an artist. I needed equipment that would show that my work is professional and well taken care of, like framing, hanging wire, lights, etc.

Q. Did you learn things about yourself as you worked toward the showcase?

A. Yes, I learned that I have what it takes be a professional and successful artist.

Q. What was your favorite part about the entire process?

A. The showcase itself; how all that hard work and preparation had paid off. [It was great] to see the success of other artists at this showcase.

Q. Have you ever participated in something similar to the RAW Artists Showcase?

A. Yes, I participated in the CCAD Art Fair a few times. It requires the same use of equipment, organization, and professionalism.

Sakhile Vanqa is a junior majoring in Cinematic Arts who enjoys humor, cycling, and aspires to shoot for National Geographic.