Local paper reviews alumna's exhibition

Alumna (CCAD 1997) Laine Bachman's solo exhibition, Birds of a Feather, was featured in a review by The Columbus Dispatch.

The review described Bachman's paintings as lying in "a realm amid fairy tales, mythology, and the everyday experiences of parenting." The feature also explained that "the new series was also shaped by the curiosity of her 5-year-old daughter."

“I’ve always played around with mythological creatures—mermaids, deer women, and stuff like that," Bachman told the Dispatch. "With this series, I really delved into that and played with different imagery I could get through it."

The reviewer noted that each of the artist’s subjects have similar features. The women all have heart-shaped faces with a small mouth and large almond eyes. Bachman not only paints the main character, but also focuses closely on details throughout her entire painted scene.

“I like to point out things people might miss, all the small creatures in the world that keep our ecosystem going,” Bachman said. “They might be insignificant to some, but they’re really important; I try to honor all those little things.”

The exhibition was at Sherrie Gallerie in Columbus, OH. Read the full review here.