Meet Cinematic Arts outstanding senior Patrick Kain

CCAD Outstanding Senior Patrick Kain

At the end of the academic year, CCAD names outstanding seniors for each undergraduate major. Today, in part three of our nine-part series, meet Cinematic Arts outstanding senior Patrick Kain.

Q: What was your proudest achievement while at CCAD?

Showing at the Columbus Museum of Art; I had a few of my films show over there last fall and this fall.

Q: What scared you the most while you were at CCAD?

Nothing. I wasn't really afraid of coming here at all or anything while I was here.

Q: What are your plans after graduation?

I am working for Human, and we just got offices over in Studio Hall actually. So I will be designing t-shirts and creating animations.

Q: What's your ultimate dream job or goal?

I interned with this company in New York City that does cartoons for [Cartoon Network's] Adult Swin and I got a little taste of doing that in between animations and clean-ups, so I would love to go to LA and create my own show.

Q: Why is it important as an alumnus to give back to CCAD?

I've already started to give back; I helped out with the We Have Answers session for Admissions recently. Without CCAD, I wouldn't have had the opportunities that I have had. We put an investment into our degree, so we don't want the school to lose its reputation; it's important for our own sake to keep the school up and supported.

Q: Do you remember a single point that made you sit back and say, "This is why I am doing this."

I was a little kid actually. I have been making films forever, and I remember I was trying to learn how to do stop motion. I was a little hustler back then, always trying to get people to watch my stuff.

Q: What smell, word, or whatever will always remind you of your time here as a student?

Hunger pains.

Q: What will you miss the most?

Having faculty like Andy Friz, Tom Richner, and Charlotte Belland - as awesome as everyone here is, I really connected to the professors becasue of their knowledge and I spent a lot of time talking to them. I'll miss the immediacy of being able to contact them and ask them any question that pops into my mind.

Q: If you could describe what graduation feels like in one word or sentence what would it be?

I don't know - I have never been sentimental about ending something. Vitamin C's song doesn't plan in my head when I think about it, it is just another step in life.

Q: What was your favorite class at CCAD?

Design for Media, which is the class that I did my first film in that showed at the museum. We created a log during the class of our process and how we built it. That log is irreplacable to show people in the industry what you have done and that you're familiar with the process that it takes to create a short.

Q: What did you like to do during your free time?

I listen to music. Right now I am into Devo.

Q: What is your fondest memory of CCAD?

Meeting my fiancee.

Q: What would you change abuot your undergraduate career?

I started out in Animation - I probably would have just stayed in Animation. I'm interested in a lot, so I wanted to dabble in a little bit of everything, but I probably should have just stayed in Animation.

Q: What is your advice to future CCAD students?

Work harder than everyone you are surrounded by.

Kain is from Ketterington, Ohio and attended Kettering Fairmont High School.