Meet our new alumni relations officer

Molly Gilbride, alumni & parent relations officer

Columbus College of Art & Design has its first ever full-time Alumni & Parent Relations Officer, Molly Gilbride. We sat down for a chat to get to know her a little better and find out how she came to Columbus and CCAD.

Q) So, first off, where did you grow up?

Molly Gilbride (MG): I grew up outside of Akron, Ohio, in Stow. Most of my favorite childhood memories are tied up in countless hours of playing in the woods with my older brother and neighborhood friends and spending a great deal of time building the most epic forts and games.

Q) You grew up in Stow, went to school in Virginia and South Carolina, and then came back to Columbus—what brought you back?

MG: First and foremost, my family. I wanted to see my nieces and nephew grow up and be in my families' lives on a more frequent basis. Being an aunt is my favorite role in the world. Secondly, I love this city. It’s a great-sized city for me—big enough to get lost in the crowd every once in a while and small enough to feel like you are in a community where people know your name or know your neighbor. When I moved to South Carolina I knew I would be back one day—this city has a way of bringing people back.

Q) Sounds like you really like Columbus. What is your favorite thing about the city?

MG: My favorite thing about Columbus is how invested the community is in making it an interesting place to live. There has been a lot of positive growth and excitement here over the past several years and it makes for great energy. I have been back for just over two years, and I love the variety of local events and places that bring people together. Some of my favorites that I highly recommend: Urban Scrawl, Pecha Kucha Columbus, Independents’ Day, and the Dinin’ Hall.

Q) So what do you think of CCAD?

MG: I really like it; I'm glad I'm working here and excited for what is to come. There's a strong sense of community that comes with the CCAD family, and I really appreciate it. I've been spending my time getting to know the culture that surrounds our alumni, and once I get adjusted, I want to put my efforts into creating more opportunities and regional support networks for them, nationally and internationally.

Q) What's something unique and different you like to do in your free time?

MG: I love to make cupcakes, but only cupcakes with unusual flavors that you would not typically associate with a cupcake. The craziest cupcake I've made so far was my Buffalo chicken cupcake with ranch-and-cheese buttercream icing. Surprisingly, they weren’t horrible. The crowd favorite and the one most requested is a chocolate curry cupcake with coconut-and-lime frosting.

Q) If others want to know more about you, how can they connect?

MG: Send me an email at, it's that easy. I'm always happy to catch up with people on what they are doing, if they’re moving, if they have a new job, or just want to chat. Going forward I am also going to be looking for alumni who want to be more involved and help organize regional events, from alumni gatherings to admissions help. It's going to be exciting rolling out the programming in the next year or so, so everyone get excited and ready.