In memoriam: longtime former faculty member Ned Moore

Former CCAD faculty member Ned Moore with a student.

Ned Moore, who started his career on the Columbus College of Art & Design faculty in 1965 and worked at the college through the decades, passed away on March 21, 2019 at age 90. A Columbus native and graduate of The Ohio State University, Moore served two years in the US Army Special Services and received two general commendations for special visual displays, according to his obituary. After departing to Chicago for a career in advertising, Moore returned to Columbus as a studio illustrator, freelance graphic designer, and ad agency art director. 

He then turned his attention toward academia, first at Ohio State and then at CCAD, where he taught classes in advertising and watercolor, among other things. Among the many students he taught over the years included Joe Suroviec (Illustration, 1984), who credited Moore as one of the instructors from whom he greatly benefited.

Moore, a founding member and past president of the Central Ohio Watercolor Society and of the Columbus Society of Communicating Arts (formerly the Columbus Art Director’s Club), continued to create new work after leaving CCAD in 2004.

Moore, who also served several terms on the Upper Arlington Cultural Arts Commission, “has exhibited in many national shows and in Ford-sponsored traveling exhibits in Europe and the Middle East, and his work has appeared in a number of consumer and special interest magazines,” reported ThisWeek News in a 2011 exhibition feature.

Moore leaves his wife Rosalee, and other family members, including his two sons, Brian and Jason, and three grandchildren.