My first art sale

By Emma Pennington

Over the weekend I took part in CCAD's "Before They’re Famous" Spring Art Sale. I teamed up with my friend and fellow animation senior, Hillary Hastings! It was the first time either of us sold our work, but we did very well.

The highlight of the day was when a small baby saw my puppy stickers. Her face lit up and she immediately took out her binky to say, "woof!".

Even when people didn't purchase our work, they would give compliments or congratulate us on graduating soon. Having so many people enjoy my work made me really happy. Sometimes it's easy to be swept up in work and loose a sense of how it's perceived. All of the positive feedback was a great confidence booster.

Overall I had a blast and wish I had done the sale sooner!

Emma Pennington is a CCAD senior animation major who enjoys watching Netflix, quoting the Simpsons, and sharing sketches on her personal blog.