Notable alumni: Jonathan Pezzatta (Animation, 2013)

Jonathan Pezzatta is an animator with backgrounds in both 2D and 3D animation. Jonathan graduated from the Columbus College of Art & Design in 2013 after the success of Lumin, a film created by him and his fellow colleagues which has won extensive awards such as The Telly Awards: 'Non-Broadcast' and 'People's Telly'in 2013, The Society of Illustrators Competition: 1st place award in 2014, and The Columbus Society of Communicating Arts:'Best Student Film' in 2014. While Jonathan did have a hand in all aspects of the production, from concept illustrations all the way to animation and cleanup work, he was most noted for his work in the post-production and special effects leading to the film's final design. After his work at CCAD, Jonathan Pezzatta began teaching animation in elementary schools, such as Worthington Hills Elementary and Columbus Academy, through the Kids Creative Studios program. Jonathan has also worked as a freelance illustrator during this time and has had his illustrations published through Pukiyari Editors in works such as Lutecia and Complot para matar a un nini in 2015.
