Ohio Art League gallery features fine arts alumna

Fine Arts alumna Nicki Strouss (CCAD 2008) is included in the Ohio Art League member-curated exhibition Tendrils: A Delicate Twist. The show, dominated by female artists, features paper, embroidery, and textile designs that demonstrate boundary-stretching fiber art.

Strouss' ceramic, felt, and paper vessels are on display alongside works by Ohio natives Esther Hall and Megan A. Coyan.

"This work has been created from a variety of materials that I am interested in or have found readily available, such as wax, clay, wool, security envelopes, etc.," said Strouss in her artist statement. "The theme of nesting seemed to emerge as a progression relating to my place in life."

Tendrils: A Delicate Twist will be on display at the Ohio Art League Gallery at the South Campus Gateway, 1552 N. High St., Columbus, OH, through Oct. 31 during regular gallery hours Monday–Wednesday noon–6 p.m. and Thursday–Saturday noon–8 p.m..

Strouss is from Columbus, OH, and attended Lexington Catholic High School.