In other news: 10.17.18

CCAD taps the 2018 Spirit of Denny Griffith Award winners, while new full-time faculty exhibit their work.

Get the skinny on what’s happening on campus, in Columbus, and points well beyond.

John S. Kobacker and his wife, Catherine Chapin Kobacker, have been named the 2018 recipients of CCAD’s Spirit of Denny Griffith Award. The Kobackers have generously provided significant and continued support to the college, including, most recently, CCAD’s Cloyd Family Animation Center. John Kobacker’s service as a CCAD trustee included time as the board’s treasurer and chair. Read more here.

Four of CCAD’s new full-time faculty are exhibiting work in Canzani Center’s Acock Gallery through Friday, Nov. 9, with a reception on Thursday, Oct. 18, from 3:30 to 5 p.m. Faculty artists on view include Carol Boram-Hays, assistant professor, History of Art & Visual Culture; Gav Gnatovich, visiting faculty, Animation; Michael Laughead, chair, Illustration and Comics & Narrative Practice; and Sapna Singh, department head, LIBA Business & Entrepreneurship. Read more here.

Roger Williams (Fine Arts, 1968) chatted with Columbus Alive about his first solo show in Columbus at Ohio Art League’s X Space. The exhibit, titled Urban Deconstructions, features exclusive pieces by Williams shown for the first time. Read more here.

For his painting Shotgun Houses, Dean Mitchell (Illustration, 1980) beat out competitors from around the world and won third place in the juried Missouri Watercolor Society 2018 International Awards. Read more here.

The Hamptons debut of contemporary mixed-media sculpture by Dakota Redington Pratt (Fine Arts, 2004) received a write-up in, which said, “with a one-of-a-kind style, Pratt has excelled in the field of modern design by utilizing vintage bottle caps, wood and metal to create functional and beautiful works of art. Read more here.

Kurt Lightner (Fine Arts, 1993) has new paintings from his Builders/Growers series on exhibition in the Viewing Room at Contemporary Art Matters throughout October, and he’ll also be exhibiting new work in the gallery’s November group show. Read more here.

Additionally, eight of Lightner’s works on paper from his Cathedrals of Work series have been selected to join the J.P. Morgan Chase Contemporary Art Collection, one of the largest corporate art collections in the world focused on modern and contemporary works. Read more here.

More CCAD news here.