In other news: 3.2.18

CCAD receives a grant from the Costume Society of America, and an assistant professor exhibits work in MoMA’s celebrated New Photography exhibition. Get the skinny on what’s happening on campus, in Columbus, and points well beyond.


The Museum of Modern Art presents Being: New Photography 2018, the latest presentation in MoMA’s celebrated New Photography exhibition series, March 18 through Aug. 19. Included in the exhibition’s lineup of contemporary photographers from around the world is CCAD History of Art & Visual Culture Assistant Professor Carmen Winant. Read more here.

CCAD has been awarded the College and University Care Grant by the Costume Society of America. The jury commended CCAD for its hard work and quick response in receiving items from ATHM. Read more here.

Beeler Gallery’s current season, How well do you behave? IN THE FLAT FIELD., on view through March 25, is Director of Exhibitions Jo-ey Tang’s first effort to redefine how the space approaches exhibit-making. He’s doing that through what he calls “slow programming,” which involves continually changing what’s on view rather than the traditional setup-and-stay approach. As Tang recently explained in an interview with Art & Education, slow programming will officially begin at Beeler Gallery next fall. The gallery will work on a season over the course of a full academic year. “This is not an exhibition that comes in and the artists come to talk, maybe do some visits, and leave,” Tang says. “To me that model can only serve so much. The goal is to allow other ways of engagement.” Read more here.

As part of Art. Design. Values., a new event series hosted by CCAD President Melanie Corn, activist and filmmaker Bree Newsome will kick off the Columbus International Film & Animation Festival on Wednesday, March 21, in a free discussion open to the public. is a contemporary civil rights icon who first garnered national attention in 2015 when she climbed the flagpole at the South Carolina statehouse and pulled down the Confederate flag as a protest against racist symbolism. Newsome will share an impassioned message about racial equality and discussion on how, with courage, zeal and the support of others, ordinary people can make an extraordinary difference. Read more here.

Elijah Funk (Fine Arts, 2012) and Alix Ross (Fine Arts, 2012) are the minds behind Online Ceramics, the online retail operation that sells their designs. Funk and Ross collaborated with musician John Mayer to produce shirts for last fall’s tour of Mayer’s Grateful Dead-inspired band, Dead & Company, and the magazine published an almost-2,000-word interview about their experience. The duo will be featured again in an upcoming edition of GQ as one of the magazine’s favorite T-shirt designers. Read more here.

The 2018 Columbus International Film & Animation Festival, March 22 through 24, will include experimental animation and animation geared toward adults — in addition to the long-running Saturday Morning Cartoons From Around the World. The festival will also feature a motion graphics, symposium, a specially curated Malt Adult screening, thanks to CCAD grad Sarah Schmidt (Animation, 2014), and an Ohio film showcase. The full lineup of screenings and tickets are available now. CCAD students, staff, and faculty may reservere their tickets in advance of the showing for free with their school IDs. Read more here.

CCAD’s Saturday Morning Art Classes, which is one the largest and oldest youth art programs in the country, will present its annual exhibition of work on Saturday, March 31, from noon to 2 p.m. in a free event on the third floor of Crane. Refreshments will be provided. The exhibition, which includes work by both youth and adults, is curated by volunteers, instructors, and community education staff members.


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