Our house is a very fine house

Hello, hello Saturday! You are lookin’ well. Is that a new tie? CCAD suits you today, Saturday, and today is very important. Today is the Winter Open House so we’ve all got to dress to impress. You ready?

In hindsight, I have little doubt that those thoughts were on everyone’s mind as 9 a.m. rolled in and guests from various parts of the country began to arrive. The unexpected, warm breeziness of the weather seemed to greet the day’s prospectives with open arms and the campus chirped with outdoor-embracers. It was the perfect day for an Open House, the perfect opportunity to show how our school sparkles.

The faculty and staff members appeared gracious and excited for the check-in portion of the day. In a somewhat crazy turn of events, we had over a 100 additional guests show up! Was it something in the air? The plethora of red and white balloons? Regardless, everyone seemed ready to soak up information. It made me remember my first impressions of CCAD. My excitement was tangible, albeit masked at the time by extreme anxiety. Today though, no one seemed to feel out of place.

The presentations from President White, Career Services, and the like, all seemed to engage the families present. In the “Crafting Your Hustle” portion of the speech, I reminisced about my own experiences. Before coming to CCAD, you could likely summarize my knowledge of the art world in seven words: “people like, hang stuff in galleries, right?” It was nice to hear about the early introductions to the more business-inclined opportunities that CCAD can prepare students for at this stage in the game. As a prospective student, I know I would have been excited to learn about the varied paths I could take. I didn’t come to any of CCAD’s Open Houses and while that’s all in the past, it would have been kind of cool if I had.

After that, Saturday brought tours of a sun-soaked campus, demonstrations throughout the classrooms, and one-on-one opportunities with faculties from each major. Props to the volunteers and student workers who helped make the event what it was. At one point, I saw an Admissions worker giving a tour to about 45 people.

The care and dedication that goes into putting an event like this is contagious. While the weather may have helped our cause, it was our excitement, CCAD’s excitement, that lifted enthusiasm up and over Columbus like our own happy atmosphere.

Going to this school has been one of the best things for me and undoubtedly for my career. I hope that others visiting could see that and perhaps one day may have a similar reflection.

Hannah Ross is a CCAD Senior Illustration major who loves knitting sweaters, wearing jumpsuits, doodling silly pictures, and drinking coffee outside. You can find out more here on her website.