SPITBALL writers featured in New York Times

Shoutout to SPITBALL: A Comic Anthology writers Kelly Sue DeConnick and Kelly Thompson, who were featured in a recent New York Times story about women, comics, and Captain Marvel.
The story, called Can ‘Captain Marvel’ Fix Marvel’s Woman Problem? explores questions about the Marvel film, which focuses on a female superhero and hits theaters on March 7, 2019.
“What Captain Marvel needed to be when she debuted in the 1960s is very different than what she needs to be in 2019, when she’s anchoring a major film,” Thompson told the Times. “The film has her poised to be more important to more people than ever, and comics gets to be the proving ground for the character.”
Thompson, the current author of the Captain Marvel comic book series, is working with CCAD student Mickey Dyer (Comics & Narrative Practice, 2021) on a comic for SPITBALL 5: A Comic Anthology due out in 2019. DeConnick worked with CCAD grad Alissa Sallah (Illustration, 2016) on a comic for SPITBALL 2: A Comic Anthology.
Every spring, SPITBALL: A Comic Anthology pairs current students in CCAD's Comics & Narrative Practice program with some of the top professional comics writers.
Learn more about SPITBALL: A Comic Anthology and CCAD’s Comic & Narrative Practice program.
Post date
March 4, 2019