Vote for Telly Awards entry by animation faculty, alumni by April 16

A TV commercial produced by CCAD Animation faculty and alumni has been judged as a bronze Telly Award winner in two categories and is in the running for The People's Telly Awards Presented by YouTube®. The deadline for the public, peers and enthusiasts to vote is April 16.

The commercial for Ohio-based Imaginatives, Ltd., which was produced within four weeks by Thomas Richner, assistant professor, Animation, adjunct instructors Andy Friz and Dwayne Marley, and alumni Mark Fitzpatrick (CCAD '07) and Steven Umbleby (CCAD '08), features an animated elf and a companion illustrated book. It won bronze awards in the following categories: Local TV & Local Cable-Children's Audience, and the Local TV & Local Cable-Use of Animation.

The Christopher-Pop-in-Kins commercial combines 3D and 2D elements and animation. The commercial aired in December 2009 in the Akron and Canton, OH viewing areas. The Telly Awards honor local, regional, and cable television commercials and programs, as well as video and film productions, and work created for the Web.

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