Work by assistant professor Carmen Winant to be featured in group show at the MOMA

Photography, Headshot of Carmen Winant against a brown background with dark hair falling over shoulder. Not smiling, facing camera

CCAD Assistant Professor of History of Art & Visual Culture Carmen Winant's work will be featured in the Museum of Modern Art's upcoming biennial exhibition, New Photography, alongside that of 17 other artists from the US and around the world. The show will be on view March 18 through Aug. 19, 2018.

New Photography focuses primarily on works challenging the fundamentals of photography that contain a range of themes from diverse lived experiences to the layered notions of personhood to community and social relations. All works featured go beyond the early manifestations of photography and capture rich representations of the human being today.

Winant is also set to be a panelist in the Fotofocus symposium about photography, feminism, and politics on Saturday, Oct. 7.