2021 CCAD MFA Thesis Exhibition
Friday, April 2–Saturday, May 1
Beeler Gallery
United States

Friday, April 2–Saturday, May 1, 2021
Beeler Gallery
See emerging artists' work at the annual CCAD MFA Thesis Exhibition, which this year features contributions from the Classes of 2020 and 2021. The work of MFA candidates and spring 2020 graduates span such genres as painting, sculpture, photography, video, design, comics, and fashion. Parking and entry to the exhibition are free; the public is invited to view the show by appointment.
The 2021 MFA candidates whose work is featured in the exhibition are: Payal Bhalani, The’Shima Craver, Keara Ryanne Henry, Alexander Jeney, Marian Lerner, Levi Li, Caroline Manley, Lydia Callan Prakel, Benjamin Rader, Meredith Swortwood, and Joey Zhao. The 2020 MFA graduates featured are: Rebekah Barbarto, Wei Ling Chang, Tyler Lemmon, Evan Lockhart, CG Ryan, Phil Weasley, Trevin Wyant, and Shannon M West.
Health & safety protocols

Numerous health and safety protocols are in place at Beeler Gallery in response to COVID-19. Please review the following information before visiting:
• Visitors are required to reserve free timed admission tickets in advance of their visit.
• Visitors should stay home if they don’t feel well, tested positive for COVID-19, or were exposed to someone with COVID-19 in the last 14 days.
• Visitors must wear a face mask while in Beeler Gallery and on CCAD’s campus.
• A maximum of 30 people are allowed in Beeler Gallery at a time, and there should be no more than 10 people in each area or “room” within the gallery space at a time.
• Visitors should maintain a minimum of 6 to 8 feet between other visitors and gallery attendants. Parties of up to four will be admitted, and permitted to be within 6 feet of each other.
• Please adhere to the wayfinding signs.
• Hand sanitizer will be available at the entrance to the gallery.
• For more information about CCAD’s response to COVID-19, visit ccad.edu/publichealth.
Getting here
Beeler Gallery is located on the first floor of the Canzani Center at 60 Cleveland Ave. in Columbus, Ohio. Parking is free in any CCAD parking lot and campus is easily accessible via COTA bus lines.
Questions? Call Beeler Gallery at 614.222.3270 or email beelergallery@ccad.edu. Follow Beeler Gallery on Facebook or Instagram.
About Beeler Gallery
Beeler Gallery at Columbus College of Art & Design (CCAD) welcomes visitors to its 6,000-square-foot exhibition space and 99-seat screening room to experience exhibitions organized by emerging curators as well as the annual CCAD MFA and BFA thesis exhibitions. Led by Faculty Director of Galleries Tim Rietenbach, Beeler Gallery provides cultural and artistic opportunities to the CCAD community and central Ohio and brings a span of contemporary and experimental art and design exhibitions to CCAD’s campus whose charge is to challenge the assumptions about who—and what—belongs in a gallery. The gallery is free and open to the public 10 a.m.–3 p.m. Monday–Saturday.
Beeler Gallery is supported in part by the Skestos Endowment Fund for Visiting Artists and Lectures, the Greater Columbus Arts Council, and the Ohio Arts Council.
Photos, from top:
“8 1 16 16 26 3 12 15 21 19” by Benjamin Rader (Master of Fine Arts, 2021)
"Right Now" by The'Shima Craver (Master of Fine Arts, 2021)