Spooky Week 2020 | Jack-o-Lantern carving contest
Friday, Oct. 30, 2020
United States
Student Programming Board introduces Spooky Week 2020! We know you’re missing all the events on campus this semester, especially Big Boo. So, SPB decided to create a virtual week of Halloween activities and competitions, called Spooky Week! Spooky Week begins on Monday, Oct. 26, and ends on Saturday, Oct. 3. Each day has a different activity or challenge, so check out the attached PDFs for every day that week. SPB would love to see your spooky creations in addition to the contest submissions, so we created a hashtag to share your work and to feature you on CCAD social media. Tag your work to #CCADSpookyWeek and have a happy Halloween! Questions? Email spbatccad@gmail.com.