Student Engagement presents: Holiday Movie Trivia

Thursday, Dec. 3, 2020 | 7–8 p.m.

United States

Virtual trivia at CCAD
Julie Wagner of @wagneredtrivia will host four virtual, themed movie trivia nights for CCAD throughout the semester. Students can play alone or in teams, and the winners of each trivia session will receive a $25 gift card for their team. Please make sure you sign up for the trivia session by the day of the event.

General info about virtual trivia
There will be six rounds of six questions each. Each round will have a different theme within the overall topic. Teams will have three minutes to answer all six questions while jamming out to some music There will be on final question that teams will have five minutes to answer There will be regular score updates so teams will always know where they stand All participants will be muted on Zoom, so it is encouraged to FaceTime teammates so you can talk to each other, as well as hear the questions You don't need to prepare anything for the night except to come up with an awesome team name!

Link to Sign Up:

Link to Event:

Meeting ID: 971 0019 2874
Password: Trivia
