Art book co-produced by students now available in Ampersand Emporium

Purple book

As a part of Beeler Gallery’s event An Art Book Affair in February, students from CCAD’s sophomore and junior Fine Arts intensive classes co-produced an art book alongside the organizers of Copenhagen’s art book fair One Thousand Books.

The prompt for the book was cryptocurrency, with an emphasis on fabricating a fantastical version of the topic. The pages were made through experimentation of printing processes, including monoprint, screenprint, and digital printing throughout a three-day workshop—co-led by Associate Professor Danielle Julian-Norton, Professor Kathy McGhee, Professor Tim Rietenbach, and Adjunct Instructor Kim Webb.

Working on the book before the art book fair provided several unique learning experiences for the students with real world results.

“Any time students get the opportunity to collaborate with visiting artists, even better that they came from another country, it is an opportunity not to be missed,” Rietenbach says. “In this case it was also an opportunity for them to take some ownership of the Gallery [where the book was made] and to support their new curator’s vision.”

The book, titled A Good Alternative To A Lot Of Things, was published by Lodret Vandret in Copenhagen, printed as an edition of 200, and sold at An Art Book Affair.

It’s now available for $25 at CCAD’s Ampersand Emporium location on campus. Each copy of the book contains a number of unique prints.

Purple book opened