Art Fair preview: these designs are on target

Over the coming days, we're introducing some of the talented Columbus College of Art & Design students and alumni whose work will be available for purchase at the Art Fair on Saturday, April 1. Find other entries in the series here, here, here and here.

Photography, Headshot of Jamilla Kato, three quarter facing camera, not smiling, from the shoulders up against a red backdrop

Although she’s primarily a photographer by training, Jamilla Kato (Photography, 2017) tapped into a variety of media — making wood cuts, silkscreen prints, and digital prints — in creating works that will be available for purchase at the spring Art Fair. Those pieces, priced at $5 to $50, are designs “You can’t find at Target, that’s for sure,” Kato said.

This is the first Art Fair for the Lansing, Michigan native, who will graduate this spring with a minor in Cinematic Arts.

Read more from Kato below, and find more examples of her work on her website.

Photography, Three Wooden, laser cut Buttons on a black backdrop

Have you done the art fair before? If yes, how many times?

Nope! This will be my first Art Fair.

Photography,Yellow and red print design that reads "Yass queen" by CCAD Photography major Jamilla Kato

What’s the philosophy behind your work?

My work is a reflection of the present time and what I feel is needed to bring people more aware of their surroundings.

Why did you want to participate in the CCAD Art Fair?

This is my last year here at CCAD and it was very important for me to become involved in anything the school has to offer. It’s especially important me to become more known as a visual artist to other individuals outside of my current circle.

Photography, Blue, purple, and white Print by CCAD Photography student Jamilla Kato

How has your CCAD education influenced the work you will be offering for sale?

It’s helped me grow as an artist and step away from my comfort zone of photography and have more of an artistic option.


CCAD Art Fair 2017

Saturday, April 1, 2017

First Look: 9 a.m. – 11 a.m.

General Admission: 11 a.m. – 2 p.m.

Loann Crane Center for Design (at the corner of Cleveland Avenue and Gay Street)

Parking is free. Tickets are available at the door. First Look costs $20; General Admission costs $5. Proceeds from ticket sales benefit CCAD student programming.