Columbus: hipster paradise

Yelp names Columbus top hipster city

It's no secret to us that Columbus is where it's at. And a new analysis from Yelp and agrees, naming our hometown the No. 1 Hottest Hipster Market in America.

On this point, we'll let Venture Beat do the talking for us: "In other words: Take your hipster beards and avocado toast and suck it, San Francisco."

What made our fair city stand out from the rest? The companies created a "hipster score," looking at home sales and the number of time "hipster" was mentioned in Yelp reviews.

"Columbus features art, music, theater, museums, and culture," they reported. Moreover, "it has a strong economic ecosystem ... and a thriving startup scene with nearly 72 startups for every 1,000 businesses in the area."

Oh, yeah, and there's this: "In addition, after New York and Los Angeles, Columbus is home to more fashion designers than any other U.S. metro area, with a pipeline of young design talent coming from the Columbus College of Art & Design," reported Yelp and

Check out Lonely Planet's coverage of our happening city here.

Learn more about our (cool, open, smart, entrepreneurial, food- and drink-loving) city in our series CCAD & Columbus.