New comics major at CCAD gains attention

Comics and Narrative Practices, Digitally illustrated comic of two students standing talking to a student sitting at a desk about the new Comics major at CCAD

Columbus College of Art & Design recently announced some big news: Starting in fall 2017, students can major in Comics & Narrative Practice at CCAD.

Word of the new comics program spread faster than Garfield eats lasagna.

Publications ranging from Columbus Business First to The Comics Reporter mentioned the new major and how well it fits into the growing comics industry.

“Comics ranging from superheroes to graphic novels have been translated from print into popular television and movie franchises in recent years,” Tom Knox wrote in Columbus Business First.

Plus, as 614now noted, “Columbus is rife with comic talent,” from the Billy Ireland Cartoon Library & Museum to the Cartoon Crossroads Columbus.

So, as Tom Spurgeon noted in The Comics Reporter, students in the new comics program “won't just be going to CCAD, (they'll) be part of a rapidly expanding Columbus comic scene.”

Read more about our new Comics & Narrative Practice major in our press release.