Dr. Lesley Jenike

Liberal Arts
Writing, Literature & Philosophy

United States

Dr. Lesley Jenike earned her B.F.A. from Emerson College, her M.F.A. from the Ohio State University, and her PhD from the University of Cincinnati.

Dr. Jenike has been a professor at Columbus College of Art & Design since 2008 and has taught such classes as Film and Literature, Writing Poetry, American Literature, and Advanced Creative Writing. Dr. Jenike is the author of two full-length poetry collections: Ghost of Fashion (2008) and Holy Island (2014). Her poems and essays have appeared or will appear in Poetry, The Gettysburg Review, The Rumpus, The Southern Review, The Kenyon Review, At Length, Rattle, Gulf Coast, and 32 Poems. She is the recipient of the 2014 Teaching Excellence Award as well as fellowships and scholarships from the Ohio Arts Council, the Virginia Center for Creative Arts, the Vermont Studio Center, and the Sewanee Writers’ Conference. Learn more about Dr. Jenike online at