Maggie DiVito

Adjunct Faculty
Liberal Arts
Writing, Literature & Philosophy

United States

Maggie DiVito studied at The School of the Art Institute of Chicago and The University of North Carolina at Greensboro. She has worked as a college lecturer in English and the liberal arts since 2002. She earned a BFA in painting and drawing and a post baccalaureate in creative writing from The School of the Art Institute of Chicago. While attending SAIC, she worked as a substitute high school English teacher and taught non-credit art classes at a community college. Maggie earned her MFA in poetry from The University of North Carolina at Greensboro, where she also worked as assistant editor of English Literature in Transition.

Maggie has been an Adjunct Faculty member at Columbus College of Art & Design since 2006 and has taught such classes as Writing and the Arts, Women Writers, Criticism of Literature and Art, Mythology, and Fairy Tales. She currently teaches Mythology e-Learning and Critical Reading: Fairy Tales. Her professional recognitions include a nomination for an AWP award and publication in The Greensboro Review, 2002. Her artwork appears in English Literature in Transition, 2001-2002.