140 years, 140 voices: Celebrating Columbus College of Art & Design's 140 years

Created as a place for its founding mothers to study art and prepare monthly papers on art topics, the place now known as Columbus College of Art & Design has become a hub for artists and designers creating one-of-a-kind, boundary-pushing art and design. Our graduates are corporate leaders, educators, creative thinkers, artisans, filmmakers, animators, graphic designers, and so much more.
As much as things have changed throughout the decades, the fundamentals of the CCAD have stayed the same: to foster a community that educates diverse students so they can unleash their creative power to shape culture and commerce. As part of our 140th anniversary celebration, we sent a call to our grads, students, former and current board members, faculty and staff, and other community members (in other words, all the folks we refer to as the CCAD family) to share stories of their time at CCAD. Their stories are a part of ours as we continue to think, do, and thrive.
1 "It was one of the most difficult and best times of my life." —Joni Vanics (Interior Design, 1982)
2 | "It was the first time I was on my own. I had a great time, eating at Clames (which is now gone). Walking the streets of Columbus and making friends I have kept even now." — Alice Ingram (Fine Arts, 1964)
3 | "We held faculty-student basketball games at the Broad Street church gym where the floors were so slippery you could barely keep from falling." — Bruce Robinson, Professor Emeritus
4 | "Back in 1974, not many folks, including people residing in Columbus, took note of CCAD’s existence! It was a clandestine and intimate college experience! There were, however, so many talented professors and students." — Jane Johnson (Fine Arts, 1974)

5 | "I loved that CCAD was the small, totally devoted-to-art community I was longing for. The training was rigorous, classical, but so very rewarding!" — Kathy Fieramosca (Illustration, 1975)
6 | "Every day there was something new to look forward to and learn. There are too many favorite memories to narrow to one. During finals everyone works together, no matter the major." — Meghan Caldwell (Animation, 2017)
7 | "CCAD taught me about work ethic and putting passion into what you love. Some of the best friends in my life I met were in college, and 25+ years later we are still close." — Emily Shirey (Fine Arts, 1997)
8 | "I think CCAD cares a lot about the community they're building, and making sure the art we create here in Columbus means something." — Lewis Cade (Illustration, 2019)
9 | "CCAD provides a rigorous, high-quality art and design education and a campus life where students really have fun—learning and playing." — John (Jack) Edwards, Former Trustee and Board Chair, retired from Jones Day
10 | "I have many memories from CCAD but one that pops up is during orientation week, freshman year. Dr. Orcutt had a social event at the church next door. All the freshmen and students from surrounding colleges were invited. In the mix of students—from CCAD, the engineering school, business school, modeling school, etc.—it was easy to spot the CCAD students. They were the ones dancing, laughing, and carrying on like crazy while all the other schools’ students seemed to be backed up against the wall in stunned disbelief." — Dave Allen (Illustration, 1971)
11 | "My hallmate and I would keep each other accountable and motivated. She would stay up super late with me to finish assignments and I would make sure she didn't sleep through her alarm the next morning. It was a lot of banging on her door and running to class, but we've been great friends ever since." — Whitney Zimmermann (Illustration, 2016)
12 | "It was a melting pot of young humans from around the world learning, struggling, and living in an environment structured around creativity and direction to be better than average!" — David Raffie (Fine Art Photography, 1992)
13 "CCAD was a wonderful oasis of creative energy. I graduated from a very large high school with 650 in my graduating class. The small size of the school was an academically helpful change for me." — Bob Barner (Illustration, 1970)
14 | "Joe Canzani, guest critiquing in a Larry Body class, took great time and care to explain to a classmate why his design assignment was unsuccessful. He walked the student first through his color selection and application and then through compositional issues in the design. When finished, he asked the student if he understood everything that he told him. When the student replied, “Yes,” President Canzani asked, “Knowing what you know now, would you still buy that shirt you have on?”" — Joe Popa (Advertising Design, 1990)

15 | "Being an orientation leader for CCAD and a leader for campus was so rewarding. Sharing passions with incoming students and collaborating is so special." — Hannah Wheeler (Illustration, 2020)
16 | "I worked in the President's Office when Denny Griffith was President. He was such a cheerful person who embodied CCAD to me. I remember that, prior to my graduation, he said students could modify their cap and gown. Of course, the Fashion students all did their own thing. I wore a belt over mine. I love that. That is what art school is about. We should break the rules and think outside the box." — Alyson Toone (Fashion Design, 2007)
17 | "CCAD President Denny Griffith was recognized as the King Arts Complex 2013 Legends & Legacies honoree for a variety of reasons. Under Denny, CCAD grew to be one of the most diverse private art and design colleges in America. During Denny's term, a full one-third of CCAD students were part of a minority group. In addition, overall CCAD enrollment doubled during Denny's tenure and the MindMarket incubator was established—and CCAD was the only art and design college with one." — Demetries Neely, Executive Director, King Arts Complex
18 | "Watching Dean Canzani critique the paintings in Color Concept class. Shaking in my seat, hoping mine wouldn't be one he would throw across the stage! That made us listen to what he was trying to teach us. He made a great impact on my personal understanding of art and how it affects society." — Mary Anderson Stevenson-Taaouira (Fine Arts, 1965)
19 | "I was rounding a corner my freshman year, and heard President Canzani addressing a large auditorium. I listened outside the door and heard him say: "When it comes to quality, never take the lazy way. Always take the hard road." Today, I live by those words." — Marcus Manuel Mashburn (Illustration, 1990)
20 | "I didn't realize, when my professor threw my artwork during class the next morning—after I had spent all night designing and creating my masterpiece—he was preparing me for life and giving me broad shoulders to accept criticism." — Kurt Kershner (Media Studies, 1999)
21 | "All that hand lettering ... (I remember) many all nighters." — Judy Davis (Illustration, 1971)
22 | "I came to CCAD at 26, having done two years at New York University in my teens. I was already working as a freelance artist, mostly pen and ink. I had never touched oil paints until freshman Oil Painting class. I fell in love with oil paint. Nathaniel Larabee was my instructor. In my second year with Larabee, I had made progress from C paintings to B+ paintings. Painting after painting, my second year, were B+. B+, B+, B+. It was close to the end of my second year and I got my latest painting handed to me. ... B+. I looked at Larabee, really pissed off ... I had worked really hard on this particular painting and thought it was my best. I looked at him and snarled "WHAT THE FUCK DOES IT TAKE TO GET AN 'A' AROUND HERE!?!?!?!". He glanced at me, pointed at my face, and quietly replied (and quiet was unusual for Larabee) ..."that." The next painting was our take-home final project. The self-portrait we had to do in three hours—and no more. A daunting task. I got my painting back from Larabee ... A-. That is the most important grade I have ever gotten. I treasure that A-. My self-portrait hangs in my studio and I see all the drawing errors in it ... but I also see the progress from a neophyte to someone who loves painting." — Storn Cook (Illustration, 1998)
23 | "CCAD has always stood for having the best of the best teachers and producing top-level talent—no compromise. If you can stick with the program, you know you will be prepared for the real world." — Karen Caudle Kessler (Illustration, 1978)
24 "CCAD changed my life. I moved to Columbus from mid-Michigan just a couple weeks after my mother passed away from a horrible battle with cancer. I was lost and the only thing I felt I still had was my desire to create and become a professional artist. Most all students when enrolling into their first year of art school feel they are the best. That's good, but that's not all that true. CCAD taught me to look around and to appreciate the other artists we work beside. You can learn from anybody at any given time. And learning takes work—hard work. Never give up and you can always do better. The biggest take-away outside of learning the craft was learning to work hard and have confidence. You truly can do what you put your mind to." — Andrew Summerfield, Trustee, President & Creative Director, Summerfield Advertising (Illustration, 1998)
25 | "I was in Visual Literacy for a critique—my classmates and I were presenting our concept environments. I did an underwater concept, and my professor, Andrew McCauley, groaned in pain. I asked him what was wrong and he said, “I loved the entire composition until I saw the bubbles you drew. It’s like you spent all your time on the composition and only a few seconds on the bubbles” (which was true). The way I drew the bubbles did not match the style of the rest of the composition. Since that day I have been forever known as “Bubbles.” But don't worry, I got my revenge. Andrew is now known as Professor Coffee beans!" — Katherine Williams (Animation, 2020)
26 "In the first five minutes I was on campus, my drawing instructor told us, "Make sure everything you do is the best thing you've ever done. No matter what it is, even if it's something small." His advice changed the way I look at my work and my life: Settle for nothing less than the best for yourself, challenge yourself, believe in yourself, and grow." — Justin Remotap (Advertising & Graphic Design, 2019)
27 | "When I presented one of my first big video projects (1 album, 4 minutes: Taylor's Swift's Red) to an auditorium of fellow students and received a standing ovation, it gave me the confidence to continue honing my craft as a video editor. It was an amazing starting point to the career I now have." — Laurel Powers Miller (Cinematic Arts, 2014)
28 | "All my times at CCAD are fond memories. Some highlights were 3D illustration with Mark Hazlerig. He was a fantastic instructor. I truly enjoyed every minute of my experience from design to figure drawing. It all made me a much better person and artist." — Joe Haysley (Illustration, 1992)
29 | "Every time I employ design in an illustration I think of Mr. Link. When I'm drawing I think of Mr. Drummond. CCAD taught me how to use paints and Mr. King showed me why I love American Illustration." — Eric Bryant (Illustration, 1988)
30 | "One of the most valuable classes I took was Typography with Mr. Ashenbrand. It helped me greatly in hand lettering, as in sign painting, for example." — Kent Roberts (Illustration, 1977)
31 | "Mr. Welch. He and Mr. Reynolds continued to push me and give me the support and encouragement to become better as an artist. Because I started my education later in life, I was working 60 hours a week raising three children. Charlene Fix accepted me into CCAD. It was somewhat of a struggle, but I was determined. I am so grateful for the knowledge and experience I got from CCAD." — Mark Roquemore (Interior Design, 2000)
32 "My first semester teaching at CCAD, a student walked into class late and told me, "Sorry I was late; I was busy painting zombies."" — Sophia Kartsonis, Associate Professor, Writing, Literature, and Philosophy
33 | "After 11 years, I have many CCAD memories. Some are sentimental and most are slightly irreverent and a little odd, just like us. One of my favorites was the year the massive banana showed up on the Quad. To this day, I'm not sure why or how it mysteriously arrived and departed." — Chris Mundell, Vice President for Student Affairs
34 | "Being around so many creative and talented teachers and students really changed by life and made me a better more understanding person than I ever would have been without CCAD. There is something about CCAD that just makes me feel a part of something wonderful, beautiful and important. I have always been proud to say I work at CCAD." — Danny Hinty, Supply Store Manager
35 | "I left the comfort of an excellent job to become a full-time studio potter. Five years into that career, I got a call from Lowell Tolstadt offering me a full professorship to join the faculty at CCAD. Throughout my career, I had tried to do things that, principally, would serve others, and this seemed like a wonderful opportunity to do just that. Soon after my appointment, I joined the Exhibitions Committee. Here I saw a new prospect for using the depth of my contacts with ceramists to put on an exhibition that would bring national and international attention to CCAD while at the same time exposing my students to the best of the best in their field. Thus, 20th Century Ceramics in the United States and Canada was born. Held in Canzani Center's gallery space, it proved to be the seminal show of ceramic art and craft at the turn of the new century, and, most likely, the largest and most diverse exhibition of ceramic works ever held anywhere. It received broad coverage in art and craft publications and even was the subject of an Associated Press story picked up by newspapers everywhere." — Bill Hunt, Faculty Emeritus
36 "The faculty and staff at CCAD are uniquely qualified and nurturing. I have degrees from three colleges. CCAD is the best at knowing each student and meeting their individual needs." — Pam Workman, artist, Former Trustee (Fine Arts, 1999)
37 | "CCAD gave me the opportunity to look at things in a different way. I am an international student, and CCAD welcomed me in every way. It gave me the opportunity to meet amazing people, to have art, comic, and animation classes on undergraduate and graduate levels; it gave me the opportunity to meet artists from a range of mediums and industries; it helped me have food and clothes in times of need, through the food bank and thrift store; and it gave me the ability to take care of my mental health through yoga and counseling. Every day I am inspired by my peers and my professors." — Marcela Celestino Tabosa Pinheiro (Master of Fine Arts, 2020)
38 | "The graduate program lives its focus on diversity by including different races, genders, and ages as part of each class. I am in my seventh decade and I was welcomed by students and faculty. The one-on-one mentoring, the critiques that build and offer constructive support, are part of the success I have earned. It goes to show, "old people" can go to art school and thrive!" — Susanne Dotson (MFA Candidate, 2019)
39 | "When I first started working here, I had come from an accounting firm, so my wardrobe consisted of skirts and heels. My job at CCAD, however, involved running computer wire up into ceilings, etc., to set up our first administrative computer system—so I found out quickly I needed a change of wardrobe. Being on a ladder in a skirt wasn't going to work! I quickly became friends with Bill Van de Velde, Emeritus (a.k.a. Vandy!), as he and I worked closely on the first SIS system at CCAD, and other projects. I believe it was then I realized what a close, family-like environment it was going to be at CCAD … and I've been part of this family now for 28-plus years." — Robin Mathews, Associate Director of IT-Business Systems
40 | "I have been at CCAD for about a year, and this is the first time that I have ever worked with a team that I truly felt like cared about their work—and cared about me. I really appreciate the environment that CCAD has created." — Jenna Lee, Marketing Assistant
41 | "CCAD has brought me back to my roots. Being surrounded by creativity every day has helped me revisit my own artwork and practice." — Chloe Kie, Archivist
42 | "CCAD helps move art and design forward because we invest in critical thinking and leadership. It is important to train artists and designers in the physical skills they need to communicate their ideas. But the core of CCAD's education is continually to challenge concepts and ideas (both in terms of subjects and roles)." — Charlotte Belland (Advertising & Graphic Design, 1997), Chair and Associate Professor of Animation
43 "I love my parents and they are some of the hardest workers I know, but CCAD gave me the chance at opportunities my parents never could have. My time there as a student may not have been the most exciting or adventurous, but it is a ripple in my life that will impact me forever." — Kasandra Murray (Illustration, 2013)
44 | "My eldest daughter graduated from CCAD in 2018 with a degree in Fashion Design. She is the first person on both sides of our family to go to college and graduate from college. My daughter was a shy, quiet, unsure-of-herself student when she began as a freshman. By the time Senior Fashion Show came around, my daughter had come out of her shell. She is a confident, independent, proud woman. She has taken her life by the horns and is showing her dad and me what we always knew she was. Using her own words, she has, "the job of her dreams" doing what she loves—fashion. She has also started her own company using what she learned at CCAD. CCAD has has become a part of our family forever. CCAD has given my daughter the confidence to find herself and become the young woman she is today." — Kelly Funk

45 | "Our son is in his second semester of his sophomore year at CCAD as a Film student, after transferring from another school. As a parent of a student, I have seen a great change in how he feels about school. He says he feels like a person at CCAD, not just a number. The amount of passion CCAD puts into making sure students are "relaxed" for finals and so on, just absolutely amazes me. Our son has made the President’s List all three semesters so far, and, although it’s extremely stressful at times, made his highest GPA ever, a 3.93, during this past semester." — Tammie Black
46 | "Now, as a mom, I realize how important it was to have parents that supported an arts education. This is really what gave me permission to spend time focusing on the arts." — Laura Ostenkamp (Garland), (Industrial Design, 2004)
47 | "I was the first person in my family to graduate from college. Walking across that stage and hearing my grandpa scream was worth all the hard work! He's since passed and that is one of my favorite memories of him." — Angela Warf (Advertising & Graphic Design, 2011)
48 | "Physically and geographically, it’s just amazing to see how the school has grown since I attended. Today it truly has a campus that can be considered a cultural destination within the city." — Michael McGraw (Advertising & Graphic Design, 1993)
49 | "CCAD is a home away from home. I work nearby CCAD and often walk around the campus because it always brings back great memories and reignites that passion and intensity I gained from my time there." — Amy Miller (Advertising & Graphic Design, 2011)
50 | “Snickers”
"30 years ago I said “let's elope”
by the vending machines.
Two young lovers intertwined
in the break room at art school.
And a new broken heart beats
because of that day,
when we fit together
as a broken zipper once did
and Snickers bars spilled out for us
For two quarters apiece
and I think one fell for free."
— Kirsten Bowen (Illustration, 1989)
51 | "I met my favorite friend here." — Iris Lau (Illustration, 2019)
52 | "It was—or seemed to be—a wild and crazy time in my life. I was opening myself up to new things and I surrounded myself with like-minded creative people. It was inspiring. CCAD, to me, in short, was an adventure. Now that I look back, I learned so much, not only about art but about life. I’m thankful for the experiences I had. CCAD was tough, but it taught me to be the artist I am today." — Keelyn McIntyre (Illustration, 2005)
53 | "I grew up in the Linden area. Although I lived just a short bus ride from the museum, as an African American, visiting and supporting a museum was not part of my culture. My first time in a museum was during my Perspective class. I now live in Italy. I am the creative director of a large communication agency in Atlanta, and I’ve worked for the Vatican and other clients. The exposure I got from CCAD made it all possible." — Cathy Ann Johnson-Conforto (Illustration and Advertising, 1997)
54 | "I would say a favorite CCAD memory is meeting with the student artists, seeing their joy when you view their work, and their overjoy when you are one of the first people to purchase their work! Participating as the Chair of the annual CCAD Fashion Show was a marvelous experience as well—just getting to experience all the talent, creativity, and work ethic firsthand of the students involved in the entire show." — Peg Mativi, Former Trustee, CEO of Solutions Staffing
55 | "Lowell Tolstedt as a professor and father to a very good tennis player was my first memory and introduction to CCAD. Attending the CCAD Fashion Show at Lbrands with my boss, who was a sponsor. Buying a piece of artwork at one of the Spring Art Fairs when it took place outside, next to the museum." — Laurel Marks, Director of Development

56 | "The leaders: passionate, brilliant Joe Canzani; devoted Mary Kinney; and the magnetic, charming Denny Griffith. The joy of experiencing such gifted people." — Suzanne Edwards, Former Trustee
57 "It gave me the skills for my illustration career. I am so confident in the quality of the education I got from CCAD I sent my daughter there—she's a freshman this year majoring in Animation." — Katie Mazeika (Illustration, 1995)
58 | "CCAD has taught me to be mindful of many things, such as time management, mental health, professionalism, dedication, and the emotional impact or personal connection through filmmaking. Not only did I learn a great amount about cinema, but also how to be an “adult.” I was hesitant to even pursue college, but I’m very glad that I did and that I attended CCAD." — Joshua Smukal (Film & Video, 2019)
59 "CCAD has allowed me to grow as an artist and make countless connections to better my future." — Carissa Gooding (Fashion Design, 2019)
60 | "My time at CCAD helped launch a 35-plus-year career in art that’s still going. I credit the foundation year for really kick-starting my creativity and work ethic. I made friendships there that continue to this day. Since then I’ve collaborated with the school on recruiting efforts and class projects. I work at a company with more than 20 fellow alumni, and it's probably not surprising I’ve got almost all of them beat on seniority! My daughter is a fairly recent CCAD Graphic Design grad herself. So from my President Canzani years to recently working with Dr. Melanie Corn, I can say it’s been a great ride … and still going!" — Mark Harvey (Illustration, 1984)

61 | "Three generations of my family have attended CCAD. My father, Ramon Quinones, was from Puerto Rico and attended in 1956 when it was just a 2-year certificate. The entire “college” was housed in the former Beaton Hall, and Joe Canzani was an instructor. “Joe,”’ as dad always called him, was the President of the college, and he was so pleased I was following in Dad's footsteps. My last year here was Denny (“just call me Denny!”) Griffith's first, and I am proud of how he made our college a national player in the arts markets. My daughter, Ramon's granddaughter, Camille, is now a freshman in Animation. We hope she becomes the famous one; she has more talent than both of us together! All three of us are proud to say our education was here, at CCAD." — Maria Elena Quinones Laret (Fine Arts, 1999)
62 | "I met my husband here! After graduating in 2017, I immediately began working here full-time. My husband is graduating this spring from the MFA program. I will always be grateful for CCAD, and that he chose to come here from China, and that I was able to stay here and contribute even after I graduated." — Tyler Gaca, Coordinator for Continuing & Professional Education (Fine Arts, 2017)
63 | "I sometimes wonder how strange an alum's views of CCAD would be for those who come back decades later. The foundation was expanded while some things remained the same. Dreams still grow here, whether as animations or paintings, movies or industrial design, photographs or graphic design, comic book sequential art or illustrations, glassblowing or fashion. Innovation is always the constant. Some faces may have changed, but the art, design, and dreams will always remain." — Eric Homan, Assistant Professor, CORE Studies (Media Studies Time-Based, 1998)
64 "I was there during the early growth years—and CCAD made me believe that the students were, and continue to be, a difference in our lives. Without CCAD and the talent within, Columbus would be a less attractive city." — Wayne P. Lawson, Former Trustee; former Director, Ohio Arts Council; Faculty Emeritus, The Ohio State University
65 | "After years of working in the design industry, CCAD has offered me the opportunity to take my own creative journey full circle. I am so excited and so proud to come to work and share my experience with young professionals—and that is definitely how I think of my students. Because of their enthusiasm to grow and learn, I am always energized to stay relevant and informed on the latest trends, methods, and practices in the industry. I am excited to be moving into a phase where I will now be recruiting our next generations of CCAD students and help open their eyes to the opportunities and resources our institution has to offer, to impact THEIR lives." — Ellen Ellis, Admissions Counselor
66 "CCAD feels like home to me more than anywhere else in the world (besides my actual home). As much as the people at CCAD may change, there's just something about the place that is always—somehow magically—restorative and grounding. It is a wonderful blessing to have such a place." — Nigel Ewan (Advertising & Graphic Design, 2014)
67 "It's weird, but something I remember about CCAD, something that resonates with a dreamlike quality, was what we, as little children in the Saturday classes, called the “Secret Garden.” It was a brick-walled backyard that could easily be snuck into, once you knew where to look. It was a place of calm reflection, and, to us, the few children still waiting for our late parents to pick us up, a magical place on the CCAD campus. Then it was gone. For years I thought I must have imagined it all, or somehow forgot where it was. I can't remember if it was when I was a student at CCAD, or years later when I was teaching Saturday classes, that I stumbled upon a map of the campus from the 1980s, and there it was!" — Nikolas Rutkowski (Fine Arts, 2002)

68 | "I started going to Saturday Morning Art Classes as a 10-year-old. I remember learning printmaking and recreated a Jacob Lawrence print of girls playing hopscotch—I still have it. My mother wouldn't let me eat sugar at home, but at CCAD on Saturdays, I tasted the sweetness of college freedom. I would buy Snickers bars out of the machines on break, while my friends and I watched the boys closely. I would come home from class, covered in paint, and collapse with a pounding sugar headache with the joy of having my own separate life as an artist." — Sonya Fix, Department Head for English as Second Language and Assistant Professor
69 "CCAD offers unmatched experiences for our youngest community members. My son’s curiosity and creativity has excelled over the past seven years through Saturday Morning Art Classes and Summer Camp programs. I witness firsthand how these experiences help him advance in all areas of his life." — Angela Meleca, Director of Advancement, Besa
70 | "I went to Saturday Morning Art Classes from second through 12th grade—thankfully, nearly all of it was covered by CCAD merit scholarships. I attended public school in an urban, underfunded school district that lacked many resources, but on Saturday mornings at CCAD, I had access to equipment and tools otherwise unavailable to me. I learned to silkscreen, to draw still lifes, and to hand-build pottery. I also met classmates from throughout Central Ohio, which opened up a new understanding of what my rural peers’ lives were like. Spending those Saturday mornings in classrooms instead of vegging out in front of the TV may have stunted my knowledge of some classic cartoons, but it broadened my sense of the possibilities open to me." — Jennifer Wray, Writer
71 | "I went to CCAD as a young student. Many years passed and then I brought my own daughter there when she was in high school to work on her portfolio. That was instrumental in the successful art career she is enjoying now. Her name is Melissa Vogley Woods." — Linda Gladwell Vogley
72 "140 students per semester
2 semesters per year
47 years of teaching
13,160 students—each life-impacting" — Richard Aschenbrand, Dean Emeritus
73 | "In many ways CCAD has been my life! From first attending as an undergraduate student in 1979 to working here full time for 34 years, CCAD has shaped me and sustained me." — Stew McKissick (Illustration, 1979)
74 | "As Senior Minister of First Congregational Church, I have been a neighbor of CCAD for close to 20 years. I have been truly blessed to participate in many, many graduations in December and May, Freshmen Convocations in August, and more. I have always been impressed with the administrative leadership at the college. I have been inspired by the students and faculty who bring art and design to life! To remember one memory or one story is tough for me. Rather, it is the spirit of CCAD that breathes through the students, generation to generation, which inspires me. Keep the spirit alive! Keep your spirit forever young!" — Rev. Dr. Tim Ahrens, First Congregational Church
75 "Many of CCAD’s students have graduated and made Columbus their home, putting that creative spirit into the city." — Jeff Stahler (Advertising & Graphic Design and Illustration, 1977)
76 | "In my 59 years in Columbus, I have seen a huge improvement in the popular embrace of art within the community. I feel CCAD was a major influencer in this accomplishment." — Mary Embly (Fine Arts, 1964)
77 | "I've seen firsthand student artists making an impact on Columbus with their fine art and design work. Students here get real experience before graduating, whether it is showing in a gallery or designing logos for companies." — Lisa Steward, Digital Analyst
78 | "CCAD has gone from a little art school to a nationally recognized center of design. Businesses come to us for problem solving, communicating their brand artistically. Both Denny and Melanie have been part of Columbus Partnership, working with other community "thought leaders" discussing strategies for positioning our region, economic issues, arts, education, philanthropy. We have a voice, a place at the table." — Sharon Cameron, Former Trustee, Founder of Columbus Connections, former CCAD Director of Development
79 |"Working with Denny, including three years as Chair of the Board, allowed me to participate in the growth of the campus and the curriculum, and the cementing of CCAD as an important player in Columbus." — Rocky Saxbe, Former Trustee
80 |"Since its founding 140 years ago, Columbus College of Art and Design has produced artists, designers, and insightful, creative thinkers who have made Columbus a cultural and economic presence to be reckoned with. Columbus is a city where people come to be who they are and a community that offers the opportunity to succeed. CCAD is an integral part of that promise and the open and welcoming values that define who we are as a community." — Mayor Andrew J. Ginther, City of Columbus

81 | "When CCAD excels, so does Columbus. There would be no Columbus Arts Festival, Short North, Greater Columbus Arts Council, Beeler Gallery, etc., without the dedicated artists of CCAD." — John Cairns, Senior Graduate Admissions Counselor and Adjunct Instructor
82 | "The Fine Arts program has been instrumental in the alternative exhibition culture of the City. ROYGBIV, Skylab, No Place, 934 Gallery, Mint, Corrugate, all have relied on substantial contributions from CCAD alumni and the Fine Arts student body." — Tim Rietenbach, Professor and Chair of Fine Arts and Contemporary Crafts, Director of Student Exhibitions (Fine Arts, 1977)
83 | "Columbus Museum of Art (CMA) and CCAD were founded within a year of each other and operated together for many years. In the 1980s there was a national trend that recognized that museums and art schools have different purposes and goals and, so, after some painful conversations and strife, CMA and CCAD became separate entities. In May of 1998, Denny Griffith, then CMA's Deputy Director, left the museum to become CCAD’s third president, and a visionary leader. Denny was a good friend, a supportive colleague, and a thoughtful adviser who became a great president and community leader. It was Denny who brought the museum and the college back together. I am thrilled that CMA and CCAD are now good friends and good neighbors. Together we are better and together we nurture creativity and the creative economy in our city." — Nannette Maciejunes, Executive Director, Columbus Museum of Art
84 "CCAD strongly influences the culture of Columbus, not only by contributing creative content but also by inspiring others who, in turn, contribute in their own way. Over time, this cycle has become woven into the city’s DNA." — Beau Arnason, Executive Vice President, Asset Performance, Steiner + Associates
85 | "CCAD has had a profound impact on the culture of Columbus. As a city that is arriving on the national stage, CCAD is the critical fuel in the engine that is our creative economy. From developing the skills of artists that have colored our city in the past and well into the future, CCAD is a catalyst for our creative growth. In the Short North Arts District, we have not only benefited from the contributions of countless alumni who have shown in our galleries or who have started creative businesses along High Street, but our community has been enhanced by creative collaborations that truly out of the box." — Betsy Pandora, Executive Director, Short North Alliance
86 | "CCAD has affected the character of our city and educated the artists who touch our individual lives. Great cities have vibrant art scenes. CCAD is at the heart of fueling our current and future creative class. CCAD’s greatest asset is its students. Their current and future impact on the culture and economy of our region is invaluable. They are the designers in our businesses, the artists on our walls, the tastemakers of our city." — Jordan Davis, Director, Smart Columbus for the Columbus Partnership
87 "Having such a prestigious art school here changes attitudes about Columbus. The breadth of contributions by students is so impressive and has such impact. It's yet another way Columbus and CCAD exceed expectations." — Patrick Losinski, CEO, Columbus Metropolitan Library
88 | "I was lucky—teaching both literature and writing in an art-infused setting. I loved discovering segues between visual and literary art and design, and creating courses that exploited these. Visual art and film worked its way into my writing. I learned so much from my studio colleagues, and I loved—and, hope, nurtured—CCAD's wonderful students." — Charlene Fix, Emeritus Professor of English
89 "Teaching writing to/for/with artists and designers has changed the way I think about my own writing. Writing is drawing; white space and ink are visual elements. We all talk. I like to listen. I like to talk to artists and designers." — Joshua Butts, Department Head, Writing, Literature, and Philosophy
90 | "I was considering whether to apply for the Vice President of Enrollment Management job. It required me to move across the country and uproot my life. I wanted to make sure CCAD was a place I could respect and believe in. While doing my research, I found the mission statement. I was so incredibly excited to see all these important words: "CCAD fosters a community that educates diverse students so they can unleash their creative power to shape culture and commerce." Embracing *all* the ways students can be creative in the world; embracing and valuing all paths, not only traditional fine arts, but also seeing that students can change the world in multiple ways. I thought, heck yeah, this could be a place I'd move 2,500 miles to be part of!" — Jean Hester, Vice President for Enrollment Management
91 | "When I think of CCAD, I think of students with a fire for creative living and full of passion to do big things. I think of students I've seen grow from being insecure about their work into student leaders and makers on this campus and far beyond. I think of change-makers who have stepped up to speak against injustices; I think of rule-breakers who ask forgiveness instead of permission; and culture-shakers who work day and night for what they believe in. It's not the buildings or the campus or the institution, it's the people here who have decided that their lives were meant for more, and they aren't settling for anything less." — India Orban (Advertising & Graphic Design, 2019)
92 | "The world is a complex network of people running around—wanting to sniff the roses but never having the time to stop and look for them. Art education is the study of roses. It is our job as artists to see what the rest of the world misses and to insert it into the network. Humanity is partially defined by our unique cognition. We differ by our ability to think and to love. It is the job of an artist to study the rose and to help humanity remember what it means to be human." — Janelle Moorman (Film & Video, 2020)

93 "To live without art and design is to be a human without air to breathe." — Emily L.R. Adams (Fine Arts, 2005)
94 "CCAD has an impact on culture and commerce because it consistently produces talent capable of critical thinking, problem solving, and conceptual thinking." — Christina Thalgott (Illustration, 1984)
95 | "I have an amazing job thanks to skills I learned at CCAD. When the agency I work for (Moxie in Atlanta, Georgia) was looking for a "unicorn" who could design, shoot, edit, animate both digitally and in stop-motion, and sculpt things out of paper, they'd almost given up hope of finding anyone with my skill set before I interviewed. Now, I'm an Art Director who produces the social media content for Arby's restaurants, and I'm amazed that I get to build "toys" out of cardboard or draw in sauce every day as my job." — Scott Hunt (Illustration, 2000)
96 | "I currently live in Palo Alto, California, and hold the position of Creative Director at Stanford University. The education I received from CCAD, paired with the professional experience I gained while working there, were great building blocks for me. More importantly, CCAD served as a testing ground. I learned to try things, analyze them, learn from them, and adjust. That type of knowledge is timeless." — Robert Coles (Retail Advertising, 1995)

97 | "The CCAD brand is strong, with ties to advertising and design firms, illustration for a broad and deep range of distribution media, the creation and implementation for numerous industrial design and packaging products; fashion design through the country and internationally, the impact of photography in commercial and fine art venues, the presence of our students' fine arts work in galleries and exhibitions, as well as the huge presence of our animation and film design and production alumni all across the motion picture industry as well as in innovative approaches to the design and production of augmented reality and virtual reality. And, of course, our animation and film alumni have had an impact on every level of motion picture production, including providing the impetus for the start-up of the Ohio Film Group and significant funding toward the creation of CCAD's new Cloyd Family Animation Center." — Ron Saks, Professor Emeritus
98 | "CCAD was the building block to help grow the artistic endeavors of my life. With the training I received, I was able to grow as a designer and creator and have be able to share my talents globally as a designer, inventor, teacher, and writer." — Peter Wachtel (Industrial Design, 1990)
99 | "My training at CCAD made me secure in my abilities to go on doing my work and resolving the problems that flow in the creative process." — Jay Lefkowitz (Fine Arts, 1975)
100 | "It gave me the basic skills that got me my first job, which allowed me to grow into the career I have now. I felt confident pursuing a job in the field I studied at CCAD and have now enjoyed 15 years on the same career path." — Erin Camerlengo (Advertising & Graphic Design, 2005)
101 "CCAD made me see I can do what I love for a living. I can take my passion for art and make it into a career, something I never thought possible." — Shannon Wright (Illustration, 2022)
102 | "Not only did my education prepare me for my nearly 41-year career as a professional artist and educator, it allowed me to share the beauty of the creative process with children and adults. A lifetime of joy!" — Christine Zwicker Yoe (Advertising, 1975)
103 | "As an art teacher in a New Hampshire high school, I'm proud to send my students to CCAD ... and have sent a few. As an artist, the education I received was invaluable, and the confidence I gained with my success there, even more so." — Keith Martin (Fine Arts, 1996)
104 | "CCAD cultivates creative minds with confidence, competence, and imagination following suit. Creativity equips us to negotiate life, in a sense. It promotes problem-solving and leadership skills we can apply anywhere to our lives." — Alexa Dankworth (Illustration, 2021)
105 "I thought I needed to draw and paint to be successful in advertising. I learned I didn't need to be an illustrator to work in marketing. My specialty is problem solving—understanding how media can be connected, and always learning how to find connections." — Bethany (Bruder) Wilgor (Advertising Design, 1985)
106 | "I use my photography skills nearly every day. I used my motion picture design skills to produce more than six TV shows and numerous videos for my business." — Carol Kender (former student)
107 | "CCAD's reputation speaks for itself. While working in New York the last eight years, it is always a known college whenever I mention it. The school prepares its students for the reality of working in an arts/design-based environment—and employers have taken notice. Over my travels, I have met so many CCAD alumni. It is always exciting to swap stories of our times on campus." — Cassandra Lyon (Industrial Design, 2010)
108 | "CCAD is a household name in Columbus. As a Columbus native, I knew that going into the school. It has been an affirmation over the years to know it is a household name nationally as well. This has been the case in my travels, exhibits, and professional life since my 1993 graduation." — Lisa Culp (Fine Arts, 1993)
109 "CCAD, its students, faculty, and academic leaders are an important foundation of Columbus' economic successes. Companies are inspired by the young, dynamic talent, and creative expression, and leadership of the college." — Alex Fischer, President and CEO, Columbus Partnership
110 | "Businesses in the area truly respect and value the work CCAD alum bring to their companies. By consistently developing talented students into highly skilled creative professionals, CCAD provides an amazingly creative workforce for Columbus. This has helped influence and position our city as a creative hub and destination." — Kristen Harris (Retail Advertising, 1991)
111 | "CCAD has the reputation of turning out some of the best creative professionals I've ever seen. We are in an amazing place for retail creative. Over the last 10 years I've seen these local retailers build their creative departments and studios bringing the work in house. The need to ship work out to New York and L.A is becoming a thing of the past. CCAD is a great contributor to this efforts." — Courtney Scott (Media Studies, Still-Based, 2004)
112 | "For more than three decades Mills James has been a leading communications company. Our success is dependent on the creative talent and training of our associates. Many of our associates are CCAD graduates and they deliver the creativity our clients seek." — Cameron James, Former Trustee, President and CEO, Mills James
113 "CCAD set a tone of design for the City of Columbus by extending class projects into the community." — Elizabeth Halsey (Advertising, 1985)
114 | "CCAD's groundbreaking partnership with Airstream, which drew students from across multiple departments into a collaborative project that impacted their learning as well as industry development, is a great example of the power of working collaboratively and approaching challenges in new ways." — Deborah Obalil, President, Association of Independent Colleges of Art and Design
115 "CCAD has helped me learn the business side of things. It has made me more confident." — Carolyn Phillips (Illustration, 2022)
116 | "CCAD has had a huge impact on both my confidence and ability to present myself professionally. While technical skills are important, learning how to work with others and be confident in my ideas are far more valuable" — Jahliya Willis (Advertising & Graphic Design, 2021)
117 "CCAD has given me structure and a sense of discipline that still helps me today. I have worked in many creative markets throughout my career, including illustration, design, fine art, and fine art crafts. My experience at CCAD showed me there are many creative outlets to choose from as an artist, and, if you allow yourself to learn many different mediums, styles, and techniques, anything is possible." — Linda Bittner (Illustration, 1988)
118 | "Graduating from CCAD has given me a title, but also a name to live up to. I am proud to say I am a graduate, and want my illustration to be a good example of a CCAD education. Now I am equipped to freelance, teach and do volunteer art for my church. I was able to illustrate full time after graduating, then later do art at home while raising children and running a business." — Linda Manire (Illustration, 1983)
119 | "CCAD graduates are everywhere and impact many cultures and businesses. I encounter them all the time with my business and my art!" — Lois Skeeles (Fine Arts, 1969)
120 | "A few years back I was in New York City with a few of the Fashion faculty and we decided to have dinner in Brooklyn. On the subway back, I laughed about something and this person from the end of the car got up and came over. At first I was startled, but then realized it was a former student I had my very first year teaching. She said she recognized my laugh! I know just about anywhere I go there is a CCAD alum out there somewhere!" — Suzanne Cotton, Associate Professor and Chair, Fashion Design
121 | "With the GI Bill, a job, and a wife, I took evening classes in Fine and Commercial Art and every Design course I could sign up for at CCAD. After a few years and opening my own studio, I found myself quoting on a big catalog in front of the art director at Columbus Bank Note Company. He looked at my resume and said, "I went to CCAD also, let's look at your portfolio." After getting the job, I asked him which photo in my portfolio he liked best—which one got me the job? He just smiled and said, "You had me when I saw CCAD on your resume." He and I became good friends and he was one of my best clients. I'm 76 now and I still win awards for my photography, but now I also win ribbons for my oil painting. Thank you, CCAD, for helping me with my job and, now, my hobby. :)" — Robert Wallace (Fine Arts, 1969)
122 | "CCAD is helping me fulfill my dream to become a cartoonist." — Lauren Houser (Comics & Narrative Practice, 2022)

123 | "CCAD prepared me for a successful career at COSI and in the science museum world. We developed, designed, and built exhibits for COSI and museums around the world." — Chuck O’Connor, former Associate Professor and Director of Saturday Morning Art Classes (Industrial Design, 1962)
124 | "Everywhere I go, I meet CCAD alum—whether at a job interview, place of employment, or just the grocery store. It's great to network and talk to CCAD alumni. So many are out there doing great things for Columbus." — Taylor Gamble (Photography, 2018)
125 "All graduates can be proud to say their degree was granted by CCAD." — David Mathias (Illustration, 1982)
126 | "We are seeing the future of art and design now. It's our students who are pushing boundaries, taking risks, and dreaming big." — Leslie Jankowski, Director of Library Services
127 "The future is unlimited. The growth and recognition of CCAD across the country are amazing. President Corn is leading the way for continued and endless growth." — Jon Kelly (Illustration, 1964)
128 | "I think CCAD is constantly growing and changing and helping students get involved on campus and stay healthy, happy, and inspired. With the ever-changing scenery here and new changes to buildings, I think CCAD is going to benefit students to come and artists looking for a solid community." — Lane Yerrick (Film & Video, 2021)
129 "CCAD's future is bright. We are constantly evolving by upgrading our gear, learning new technique and methods, and not straying away from our roots. We also are building a community where the people help elevate the people around them." — Zarek Metz (Film & Video, 2022)

130 | "CCAD has grown tremendously just since I've graduated. I'm excited to see how its programs develop and refine—ultimately impacting the creative industry here in Columbus." — Jessica Miera (Media Studies, 2012)
131 | "CCAD has attracted a lot of creative talent to Columbus, which I believe is important in developing a dynamic city. I believe the attraction of the Ohio Film Group to Columbus/the CCAD campus has tremendous potential for positive impact on the city." — Mark Corna, Former Trustee, retired CEO of Corna Kokosing
132 "I think the future is bright and we are well positioned to help with the creative economy, which is also the future of jobs in this country." — Jeff Fisher, Senior Vice President for Finance & Planning

133 | "CCAD will continue to grow in importance in our region. Creative and artistic skills will be in greater demand in more and more fields. President Corn has a great vision for partnerships, which are already showing results for the college and community." — David Harrison, President, Columbus State Community College
134 | "CCAD couldn't be better positioned for the future than it is today with Dr. Melanie Corn. CCAD has an opportunity to influence many areas of the Columbus community and beyond, helping transform residents’ minds and neighborhoods. Students will come to Columbus and take their experience here with them wherever they go." — Chad Delligatti, CEO, InnoSource
135 | "Art and design will be integral and mainstream to everything we do. Artists and designers play, and will continue to play, significant roles in shaping and transforming society, culture, and the world." — Sapna Singh, Department Head, Business & Entrepreneurship
136 | "Artists and designers see things and want to make them better. And they actually have the ability to do that. Right after I delivered my second child, the nurse and I were chatting in the delivery room. And she mentioned her son was very creative and she was nervous that he wanted to be an artist. My husband and I laughed a little at the trepidation in her voice. We told her not to worry. And I looked at her and kindly said, if you think about it, nearly everything in this room was handled by and artist or designer. There will always be jobs out there for those who want them in the creative economy." — Molly Burke, Assistant Director of Graduate Studies (Fine Arts, 2006)
137 | "I see CCAD's impact throughout Columbus. In a society in which more and more jobs are being outsourced to machines, creatives are one resource that can't be replaced. Artists and designers are the innovators continuing to drive society forward, and you can see the impact everywhere—from architecture and interior design to the development of goods and services, from television and movies to advertising and marketing campaigns and brand redesigns." — Ally Hays, Associate Academic Advisor
138 "Words cannot even attempt to paint the pictures that we, as CCAD students/alumni, will create. So, all I can say now is just watch!" — Marsian Gardner (Animation, 2022)

139 | "Art and design make us human. The arts give us a voice with which to tell our stories, change minds, create community. Design is a way in which we claim an identity and find our people. It helps us navigate a world on information overload." — Dr. Melanie Corn, President
140 "CCAD is now and forever in my DNA." — Kris Harrison (Illustration, 1986)

Cody Bond (Illustration, 2012)
Cody Bond has, in the words of his resume, “blood made of ’90s Nickelodeon slime, boogers, and a third gross but very cool thing.” Don’t let his modesty fool you. Beyond that self-effacing bio, Bond, who recently relocated to San Francisco for a full-time gig with the STEM app company Brilliant, is a talented artist who has created work for some of today’s coolest brands, including Cards Against Humanity, PBR, and Glossier. And, yep, this very blog post. There are nods to CCAD’s history, with appearances by some of our noteworthy presidents (including our current prez, Dr. Melanie Corn), longtime instructors, and other familiar faces—all illustrated in Bond’s distinctive style.
Check out the feature and more of Cody's work in one eight six magazine.
Post date
May 1, 2019