Alumna exhibits drawings in Columbus, OH

Fine Arts alumna Jill Raymundo (CCAD 2004) will exhibit her work June 19–July 17, 2012 in the City Center Gallery of the OSU Urban Arts Space.

The exhibition, Vato, titled after an Ayurvedic term meaning air and space, will explore Raymundo's graphite and charcoal drawings.

"The concept is literally depicted in the works' subject matter of cloudscapes, a night sky, the empty space of paper, and in my own personal journey in creating the series," Raymundo says in her artist statement.

This will be the first time Raymundo will display the drawings together. They range from intricate, textural collages to commonplace objects, both small- and large-scale.

There will be a reception Saturday, June 23, 6–9 p.m.