Alumna's work selected for international exhibition

Fine Arts, Artwork made up of cut and folded loops of white paper with black print on a white background

Detail of Julie Abijanac's "Disease Mapping"

Assistant professor and Fine Arts alumna Julie Abijanac (CCAD 1992) had her piece Disease Mapping selected for the Fiberart International 2013 exhibition.

Jurors evaluated 1,200 works submitted by 525 artists from 36 countries for the show. Eighty-one pieces from 64 artists will be in the final exhibition presented by the Fiberarts Guild Of Pittsburgh, Inc. at the the Society for Contemporary Craft and the Pittsburgh Center for the Arts. The exhibition will run April 19–Aug. 18, 2013.

Fiberart International includes innovative work rooted in traditional fiber materials, structure, processes, and history. The exhibition explores the unexpected relationships between fiber and other creative disciplines.

Abijanac creates two-dimensional paper pieces that visually describe her personal experience with Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Her work questions mortality by approaching it from both a microscopic and psychological point of view.