The Big Boo is coming...Are you ready?

By Colleen Clark

The Big Boo is arguably CCAD's most anticipated and most exciting annual event. When I was in the admissions process, I remember seeing pictures of the massive Halloween party and thinking it made perfect sense that an art school would have over-the-top, crazy, super creative costumes. I've seen a giant bloody poptart, a fully realized and historically accurate Marie Antoinette, and countless giant furry monsters.

I've never made my costumes too elaborate, due to me being a little lazy and bad with sewing. I always try to go as something funny because I have found out it is way easier for me to make fun of myself than try to look flattering. Here were my costumes in previous years:


Life at CCAD, A shot from a previous big boo

A shot from a previous Big Boo.


Life at CCAD, Big Boo costume "Arthur"

Arthur from the PBS cartoon "Arthur." I might've overestimated the size of the glasses...



Life at CCAD, Big Boo costume "Helga" from "Hey Arnold"

Helga G. Pataki from the Nick cartoon "Hey Arnold!" Yes, that is paint on my face for my unibrow.


I'm still getting my costume ready for this year, and I'm super pumped. I'm going to be another nostalgic character (far more nostalgic than my other costumes) but this character is not from a cartoon. Can you guess from this part of my costume I bought yesterday?


Life at CCAD, Big Boo costume from Colleen Clark

What could it be??


I cannot wait to see everyone's costumes! I know I still have a lot to finish, so I hope everyone has a few fun and awesome weeks as they prepare for Halloween, or if you're a CCAD student, the Big Boo!


Colleen Clark is a senior majoring in illustration who enjoys looking at photos of dogs online, following NBC comedy series (specifically anything involving Tina Fey), and sharing her art and thoughts through her online blog.