CCAD Advertising & Graphic Design student wins national Addy

India Orban's winning work

India Orban's winning work

Columbus College of Art & Design student Liz White (Advertising & Graphic Design 2020) has been awarded a national Addy in the Student category for her packaging campaign.

White created a packaging campaign for Cremo Men's Skin Care, which was developed in the Advanced Design Concepts class led by Associate Professor Jim Lutz. She and India Orban (Advertising & Graphic Design, 2019) went to the national American Advertising Federation awards competition thanks to their successful performance in a regional competition against peers from Ohio, Kentucky, and West Virginia. Both were named District 5 Silver Award Winners; Orban's campaign promoted Guac Fest 2018.

liz white work

Liz White's winning work

“I am extremely excited for both Liz and India to be recognized at the highest level. Their work pushes the boundaries of traditional design and the message resonates with the target audience,” said Advertising & Graphic Design Chair and Associate Professor Josh Bodman.

The American Advertising Awards attracts nearly 35,000 professional and student entries each year through local club competitions, making it one of the industry’s largest competitions. 

Learn more about Advertising & Graphic Design program at CCAD or apply here.