CCAD alum Sarah Schmidt paves way to personal animation empire

Columbus Alive has listed Columbus College of Art & Design grad and local animator Sarah Schmidt (Animation, 2014) as a world changer and culture influencer in their People to Watch series, and we couldn’t agree more. Since graduation, Schmidt’s passion for time and sequence media has led her to create a personal brand and animation franchise called Malt Adult, a recurring event (a.k.a, party) that brings international and national animators together to show off their work to communities that may not realize how accessible this form of art really is. Malt Adult has made its way into Skylab gallery (located on East Gay Street in Columbus), as well as CCAD’s Canzani Center screening room (including a screening on Tuesday, Aug. 22; more on that here). Schmidt’s most recent endeavors have led her to New York City’s Animation Block Party, where her award-winning work was the title film.

Read more about Malt Adult, cool animation parties, and Schmidt’s success in Columbus Alive.