Chroma: the best of CCAD 2016

Life at CCAD, Learn more about Chroma: The Best of CCAD 2016

Columbus College of Art & Design is hosting an exhibition called Chroma: The Best of CCAD 2016 to showcase the best student works from all 10 majors — from design to fine arts — and our Master of Fine Arts program.

The event runs from 4 to 9 p.m. on Thursday, May 12. It's free and open to the public. (Parking's free, too.)


So stop by, explore our campus, look at art, grab a bite to eat, sip on a craft beer, screen print a shirt and get a temporary tattoo.


Here's a rundown of some of the cool things we'll have going on as part of Chroma:

  • 4–8 p.m. Grab a bite to eat from one of several local food trucks. Listen to music (Beyonce, please) as a DJ plays on the Quad near our 10-story ART sign.
  • 4:30–8 p.m. Get inked at our temporary tattoo parlor. Pose for Instagram-worthy pictures with the Awesomatic photo booth.
  • 5 p.m. Throw darts at a wall covered with paint-filled balloons. (No, really. We have darts and a wall covered with paint-filled balloons. And when the paint splatters, it'll create a mural that will stay up all summer.)
  • 5–6:30 p.m. Listen to poetry and prose readings from the Red Wheelbarrow group in the Canzani Auditorium.
  • 5–7:30 p.m. Drop by the most artistic happy hour in town. Look at artwork while you sip on a local craft beer from our cash bar in the Canzani Center.
  • 6:30–8:45 p.m. Stop by the Canzani Auditorium and Screening Room to see a showcase of awesome videos created by students in the Cinematic Arts & Animation programs.
  • 8:45–10 p.m. Hear speakers — including CCAD's President, Dr. Melanie Corn — give short presentations during Pecha Kucha, an event that features presenters showing 20 images and talking for 20 seconds per image.

For more information, click here.