Chronicle of Higher Ed highlights CCAD’s Comics Program

CCAD’s new Comics & Narrative Practice has been gaining a lot of attention in the news.

Comics & Narrative Practice, Stewart McKissick

The Chronicle of Higher Education recently joined in the conversation with a piece highlighting the new program, which will begin enrolling students in fall 2017.

“Stewart McKissick, chair of the new program in comics and narrative practice at Columbus College of Art & Design, believes that comics and graphic novels can help transcend language barriers and tell compelling personal stories that give voice to diverse cultures,” Anais Strickland wrote in The Chronicle of Higher Education.

Laurenn McCubbin, an assistant professor at CCAD, told the publication, “When I got the chance to help start this program, it was really important to me that a lot of the practical knowledge that I had to find along the way was given to students right out of the gate."

“Besides learning to draw and write narratives,” the piece in the Chronicle says, “students will study how to promote their work, create budgets, collaborate, and develop other entrepreneurial skills that could be useful in other fields like animation, screen writing, and editorial design.”

“By providing hands-on experience, Mr. Mc­Kissick says, the program will prepare students for the realities of working in the comics world and help make them multifaceted professionals.”