Headed to the 2019 CCAD Fashion Show? Here are 3 things to know about our campus facelift.

The 2019 CCAD Fashion Show is coming back to the newly renovated Columbus College of Art & Design campus on Friday, May 10. If you’ve visited campus lately, you likely noticed we look a little fresher. A little brighter. A little younger than our 140 years.

So, we’ll fess up. We’ve had a bit of work done.

Our campus beautification initiative, Creative Campus, was a 2018 city of Columbus public service project that provided necessary upgrades to streets, sidewalks, and aesthetic elements around our neighborhood and was completed late last year.


  1. We look like a million bucks. Well, more like $8 million. And none of the Creative Campus work came from tuition dollars. Again: Thank you, city of Columbus!
  2. We’re more pedestrian friendly. The sidewalks and roads around campus not only look better but are easier to navigate. Raised intersections and medians slow traffic, while mid-block crossings—and a crosswalk signal at Cleveland Avenue and Gay Street—mean it’s safer to walk from building to building. And those medians don’t just slow traffic, they bring lush new greenery to our urban campus. Because as much as we love the contemporary aesthetic of our new brick street and sidewalks, there’s something soothing about natural touches, too.
  3. You can take a seat and get comfortable. The Adirondack chairs that alight on our Quad during warmer temps are now complemented by permanent seating in the form of concrete benches and weather-resistant lounge chairs.

Looking forward to seeing you soon. Learn more about the 2019 CCAD Fashion Show.