More press for 2019 CCAD Fashion Show

The 2019 CCAD Fashion Show nabbed the attention of Columbus Monthly (including a mention on the cover), which profiled the show's designers, their models, and some of their most eye-catching designs.

In other news, Columbus Underground recently introduced its readers to the Columbus College of Art & Design students whose work will be on view at the 2019 CCAD Fashion Show—including a peek at some of their hottest looks. And Ohio LGBTQ-interest magazine Prizm shone a light on CCAD's Fashion Design program and plans for the fashion show, too. Melissa Marchi (Fashion Design, 2019) also appeared on WBNS 10-TV to discuss the Fashion Show and her work in it.

These weren't the only outlets to take note of our Fashion Design students' noteworthy designs for this year's show. Check out CityScene magazine's coverage of CCAD students and their models, the inspiration behind the collections, and a preview of the designs you can expect to see when the Fashion Show kicks off on Friday, May 10. (And another brief overview from the magazine here.)

Learn more about the 2019 CCAD Fashion Show on Friday, May 10 and buy your tickets now.

Learn more about the Fashion Design program at CCAD or apply here.