In the news: Press take note of new CCAD Film & Video Camp

film & video camp

The new CCAD Film & Video Camp at Columbus College of Art & Design is gaining attention from the press.

The Columbus Dispatch, WBNS-10TV, and the Norwalk Reflector recently highlighted the three-week filmmaking workshop launched by CCAD Continuing & Professional Studies Director Christine Hill.

The camp for students ages 13–18 explores everything from pre-production and set design to filming and post-production work.

CCAD partnered with Film Columbus (also known as the Greater Columbus Film Commission) to host a screenwriting contest in February 2019. Then, a panel of industry experts selected three winners, who are attending the CCAD Film & Video Camp for free and turning their scripts into movies that will debut at the Film Festival of Columbus in September 2019.

"Francis Ford Coppola. Christopher Nolan. Joel and Ethan Coen. While they're all famous screenwriters now, they all had to start somewhere. Like the kids enrolled in the Columbus College of Art and Design's film making camp!" WBNS-10TV reported.

film & video camp

Learn more about Continuing & Professional Studies at CCAD, including the CCAD Film & Video Camp.