Don’t reach for that phone! 5 things to do on Unplugged Day instead of texting or scrolling

Unplugged Day is Wednesday, Feb. 13, here at Columbus College of Art & Design, and if you’re anything like us, you’re wondering just what you’re going to do instead of picking up your phone, looking at Instagram, then Twitter, then back to Instagram, then at a text, then back to Instagram, then one more pass at Twitter, then a quick glance at Snapchat, then … well, you get the idea.

Quick refresher: Unplugged Day is a digital communication blackout day in which CCAD students, staff, and faculty are encouraged to skip emails, texts, and social media in order to give their minds and bodies a break from tech. The CCAD Student Government Association came up with the concept after a survey provided new perspective on how often our students are “plugged in,” and how that might be impacting their overall health. We’re hoping to help our campus community refocus and gain clarity without the distraction of devices.

Since CCAD’s Student Government Association conceived of Unplugged Day, we thought we’d hit up SGA President Mickenzie Willars (Advertising & Graphic Design, 2019) for ideas to help us satisfy our Insta cravings. Here are five of her ideas (plus some bonus suggestions).

1. Regain focus through yoga
Yoga is a great, easy way to relax the mind and body. Spending a few minutes stretching your muscles and collecting your thoughts is a great way to start your day.  
2. Grab some coffee
Invite your friends, roommates, or loved ones to go grab a coffee (or tea!). Have a nice sit-down chat and catch up.

3. Create something
Whether it be drawing, painting, cooking, or knitting, making something you enjoy can help you reconnect with your creative side and reignite hobbies or passion projects.

4. Write it out
Make a to-do list, write down some goals for the week, or simply journal about how you’re feeling. Getting your thoughts down on paper can help clear your mind.

5. Game it up
Whether it be card games or board games, invite your pals over and have a good old fashioned game night!


In addition to the activities here, don’t forget to swing by Crane Center to post on our (real, physical) wall and a Valentine or two. Or, head over to Packard Library at 11 a.m., where we’ll have a free origami workshop for all.