faculty & staff

  • Thursday, April 13, 2023 | 4–5 p.m.

    Canzani Atrium
    United States

  • Tuesday, April 4, 2023 | 11 a.m.–noon

    Canzani MPR, 2nd floor
    United States

  • Thursday, March 23, 2023 | 11 a.m.–noon

    Canzani MPR, 2nd floor
    United States

  • Tuesday, April 11, 2023 | 11 a.m.–noon

    Canzani MPR, 2nd floor
    United States

  • Tuesday, March 7, 2023 | 11 a.m.–noon

    Canzani MPR, 2nd floor
    United States

  • Tuesday, Feb. 7, 2023 | 11 a.m.–noon

    Canzani MPR, 2nd floor
    United States

  • Tuesday, Nov. 29, 2022 | 11 a.m.–noon

    Canzani MPR, 2nd floor
    United States

  • The basics

    Following is a summary of information related to the Counseling & Wellness Center's Single Session Therapy services, emergency situations, on-campus support, and suicide prevention resources available.

    For information on the Counseling Center's services, visit my.ccad.edu/counseling-wellness.

    Please do not walk students to the Counseling & Wellness Center or instruct them to come to the Center without an appointment, as staff are often not immediately available.

    In an Emergency
    Mental health emergencies or crises require immediate intervention and, for everyone's safety and well-being, you should never attempt to handle these situations by yourself. The following resources are available 24/7:

    • If on or near campus, call CCAD Safety & Security at 614.222.6165.
    • Call 911 or visit the nearest hospital emergency department.
    • Call the Netcare Access mental health crisis line at 614.276.CARE (2273).

    Examples of mental health crisis or emergency include when a person is:

    • Threatening or immediately considering suicide or serious self-injury
    • Threatening or immediately considering homicide or harming others
    • Acting erratically or extremely different from what is typical for the person
    • Under the influence of a substance and behaving dangerously

    On-Campus Support
    Professionally trained staff at CCAD are here to help when students are in crisis. We never want anyone to go through an emergency alone.

    1. The Safety & Security Office can provide:

    • Access to a comfortable, private room where students in crisis can safely stay until the appropriate staff are available.
    • Transportation to local hospitals or crisis centers if a student requires assistance beyond the scope of the Counseling & Wellness Center. An officer will stay with the student until they are received by hospital staff.
    • The ability to reach and consult with Student Affairs staff who serve in an on-call capacity for urgent student needs that arise outside normal business hours.

    2. Student Affairs staff can assist students in crisis with the following:

    • Notifying family, friends, roommates, or instructors of the student's status – ONLY as is necessary or requested by the student.
    • Communicating and advocating with instructors to gain flexibility and support for academics, as needed.
    • Communicating with hospitals or other agencies to coordinate student discharge and access to CCAD and community resources and referrals, if applicable.
    • Meeting with students to discuss stressors, barriers, options for changes to academic plans and financial aid, support services, and wellness planning.

    Suicide Prevention Resources
    If you are considering suicide, worried about a friend and need advice, or just need someone to talk to, there are many resources available. The majority are available 24/7. Click the links to visit these websites for more information.

    National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
                    Call 988

    Franklin County Ohio Suicide Prevention Hotline
                    Call 1.614.222.5445

    Trans Lifeline
                    Especially for people identifying as trans, call 1.877.565.8860

    The Trevor Lifeline
                    Especially for people identifying as LGBTQ, call 1.866.488.7386
                    Text "TREVOR" to 1.202.304.1200 (Text not available 24/7)

    Crisis Text Line
                    Text "LISTEN" to 741741

    Online crisis chat line

    All faculty members and almost all staff members at CCAD are legally “mandated reporters,” which means if you become aware that a student has experienced issues of sexual/gender harassment, stalking, domestic violence, dating violence, and/or sexual violence, you must report these issues to CCAD’s Title IX Officer.

    Athena Sanders
    Associate Vice President for Student Affairs, Dean of Students, & Title IX Coordinator

    Title IX is a federal mandate that CCAD must comply with to ensure all students are safe, and that the college takes all necessary steps to protect our community.

    The only staff on campus who are not mandated reporters and who can keep this information confidential are the staff of the Counseling & Wellness Center, while providing therapeutic services for students affected. More information about Title IX is found here.

    For advice on how to speak with and help students who have experienced these issues, please see the following:

    Responding to a Survivor

    If a student would like to discuss Title IX-related issues on campus confidentially, without the possibility of the information being shared, please refer them to the CCAD Counseling & Wellness Center.

    CCAD Counseling & Wellness Center

    Community Resources

    Sexual Violence:

    • SARNCO: 614.267.7020. If a student has experienced sexual violence, they may be referred to the Sexual Assault Response Network of Central (SARNCO), which offers a 24/7 helpline for advice for survivors or support people:
    • RAINN: accessible 24/7 by phone 800.656.HOPE and online (online.rainn.org). RAINN created and operates the National Sexual Assault Hotline. They work closely with more than 1,000 local sexual assault service providers to offer confidential support services to survivors regardless of where they are in their recovery.

    Relationship Abuse:

    • BRAVO 614.294.7867 or 1.866.862.7286. The HelpLine is staffed weekdays, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., and Sunday through Thursday, 6 to 10 p.m. BRAVO provides survivor advocacy and support to LGBTQI survivors of hate and bias violence, discrimination, intimate partner violence, stalking, and/or sexual assault.
    • Center for Family Safety & Healing A student can call, 844. 234.LINE, or text, 87028, for more information about relationship abuse and local resources.
    • CHOICES: 614.224.4663, 24-hour domestic violence, crisis information, and referral

    Suicidal Thoughts or Mental Health Emergencies

    Medical Needs:

    • Equitas Health: 614.340.6700, 750 E. Long Street, Suite 3000, Columbus OH 43203

    Equitas Health is a community-based health care system that provides culturally competent primary medical care, dental services, behavioral health, HIV/STI prevention, and pharmacy services. Their office is located one-half mile from campus.

    Crime Victim Support:

    AVP for Student Affairs, Dean of Students, & Title IX Coordinator, Athena Sanders, can assist students who have been victims of sexual or gender-related harassment, bias, or violence.

    • Ohio Attorney General, Office of Victim Services: 614.466.4986 or 800.282.0515; online chat also available://www.ohioattorneygeneral.gov/About-AG/Contact

    If a student has been victimized by a crime, they can contact the Ohio Attorney General’s office for support related to crime reporting, crime/legal victim advocacy, and crime victim compensation.

    If on or near campus, call CCAD Safety & Security: 614.222.6165.

    • Columbus Police Department: 614.645.4545, if students would like to report crime victimization they may contact the Columbus Police Department.

    CCAD Counseling & Wellness Center

    The CCAD Counseling & Wellness Center is located in the Administration Building.

    The Center is open Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. 


    Being human and being in college means experiencing challenge while learning, growing, and living life. Students can thrive – not just survive – under these circumstances, and the Counseling & Wellness Center is here to help them understand the process, move toward goals, connect with others, and be holistically well here at CCAD. Students lead the way in taking risks and building on their strengths. We've got their back while they try out new ways to think, do, and thrive.

    The Counseling & Wellness Center assists students through individual counseling, group counseling, crisis intervention, consultation, wellness programs, outreach, and training.

    We are staffed by licensed mental health clinicians able to assess, diagnose, and treat mental and emotional disorders. All currently enrolled degree-seeking CCAD students are eligible for the Center’s counseling and psychiatry services.

    The Counseling & Wellness Center assists students through individual counseling, group counseling, crisis intervention, consultation, wellness programs and outreach, and training on various topics.

    You can reach the Center by emailing counseling@ccad.edu.

    For more information, visit my.ccad.edu/counseling-wellness.