MyCCAD February 2, 2021 | You & your pet are invited to the next President’s Address
Dates & deadlines
Through Saturday, March 6 = November
Thursday, Feb. 4 = Visiting Artists & Scholars: Nell Irvin Painter
Friday, Feb. 12 = Start of Lunar New Year
Monday, Feb. 15 = President's Address to Students & SGA applications due
Friday, Feb. 19–Friday, Feb. 26 = SGA voting
Monday, Feb. 22 = Senior/Graduate Studies/Priority pre-registration for fall 2021 begins
Monday, March 8 = SGA winners announced
Monday, March 15–Friday, March 19 = Spring Break (no classes, offices open)
Friday, April 2 = Visiting Artists & Scholars: adrienne maree brown
President's Address to Students: Keeping connected during COVID (feat. pet cameos)
Get ready: The next President’s Address to Students is Monday, Feb. 15, at 11 a.m.–noon (EST) on Zoom. We’ll be talking about how the CCAD community can stay connected despite the challenges presented by COVID-19. Plus, we’ll host a virtual pet show, so BYO furry/scaly/feathery pet for a fun bit of show and tell. Details on logging in will be forthcoming.
Visiting Artists & Scholars
Be there as CCAD welcomes historian and scholar Nell Irvin Painter to campus virtually as part of our Visiting Artists & Scholars Series at 6:30 p.m. (EST) Thursday, Feb. 4. Painter, a Professor Emeritus at Princeton University, has written such books as Old in Art School, Creating Black Americans, Southern History Across Color Lines, and the landmark The History of White People. Painter earned a BFA as well as an MFA in Painting after retiring from Princeton and will share her reflections on art school and discuss her new exhibition, American Whiteness Since Trump.
Admission is free and open to the public, but advance registration is required. The next Visiting Artists & Scholars event, on Friday, April 2, will feature writer and activist adrienne maree brown.
CCAD & masks
All visitors to CCAD's campus are required to wear masks. If you are among the students who are learning and/or living on campus this semester, you can receive a free, reusable, CCAD-branded mask. If you have not yet already picked yours up, you may do so at CCAD's Safety & Security desk during regular business hours (weekdays, 7 a.m.–3:30 p.m.).
Visit CCAD Together for more spring semester info
Testing, 1-2-3, testing …
Reminder: Weekly random sample testing of CCAD community members who are accessing campus starts this week. This testing includes students enrolled in hybrid courses, DSA residential students, MFA students using their studios, and students who have scheduled time in labs and studios, as well as any faculty or staff scheduled to work on campus on a regular or ongoing basis. There is no fee associated with the test.
Additional details:
- Each Monday through the week of May 10 (with some exceptions), the COVID-19 Testing Team will randomly identify approximately 3–5% of the population accessing campus to participate in the required testing.
- Once the Testing Team receives the results (within about 15 minutes of testing), individuals will receive follow up instructions via email.
- Campus-wide, mandatory testing will occur after Spring Break; because of this mandatory testing, CCAD will not conduct random sample testing the weeks of Monday, March 15; Monday, March 22; or Monday, March 29. CCAD will notify all campus community members who are required to participate in this post-spring break testing program.
Your voice matters
The biggest hurdle the Student Government Association faces as we enter spring semester is not hearing from the student body. SGA needs to hear the voices of the people to know what they need. The association hosts open forum meetings every Monday, 11 a.m.–noon (EST).
In addition to attending a forum, you can email the SGA. Thoughts, feedback, suggestions, questions, ideas, critique, and complaints—they want to hear it all!
Join the Student Government Association
Applications are open now to full-time CCAD students interested in joining the Student Government Association. SGA members have the ability to effect change for their major and address the issues and concerns of CCAD's student body as a whole.
In addition to full-time enrollment, members must be in good judicial and academic standing with CCAD.
Apply here
Application timeline
Celebrate Lunar New Year with ISA!
The Lunar New Year is celebrated throughout many Asian cultures and begins this year on Friday, Feb. 12. Join the International Student Association in drawing your own ox to celebrate the Year of the Ox and bring positive blessings to the year! Here are the steps to take:
- Follow @ccad_isa
- Watch ox drawing tutorials on @ccad_isa as we approach Friday, Feb. 12.
- Draw your own ox on red paper (for those on campus, ISA will provide supplies at The Market on Feb. 12 during the Lunar New Year dinner)
- Post your ox to your Instagram account Thursday, Feb. 11–Tuesday, Feb. 16), tag @ccad_isa, and they will share your amazing work!
We'd love to hear from you 
Did you meet your significant other here? Your BFF? Have generations of your family attended CCAD? Or have you fallen in love with an art form or new approach to your craft while at CCAD? However you define Valentine—or love—if you have a CCAD story to tell, we’d be delighted to hear from you.
Share your story on social (tag us @ccadedu) or fill out this form, and stay tuned: We’ll be compiling some favorites for our blog and our social media channels.
The Writing, Math, and Art History Center is open and ready to help!
Writing, Math, and Art History consulting appointments are available to all CCAD students through the end of the semester and are conducted remotely via Google Meet video chat. Students can sign up for appointments at this link.
For more information, visit CCAD Learning Support online or email Sonya Fix at
Registration time is nearing …
Fall semester will be here before you know it. If you’re planning on being here this fall, it’s time to make sure you’ve filled out that FAFSA, and to start thinking about your plans for this summer and fall. Senior/Graduate Studies/Priority pre-registration for fall 2021 begins Monday, Feb. 22.
Get ready: we’ll host a registration workshop with important info for you on the process soon! More details to come.
Business First highlights CCAD pandemic grants
Columbus Business First spoke with CCAD’s President, Dr. Melanie Corn, about the college’s pandemic grants for students who have been enrolled at CCAD this semester or last semester, as well as retention grants for the coming fall semester for freshmen who began their time at CCAD in fall 2020.
Can’t access this subscriber-only article? Email for assistance.
Showing good Form
Industrial Design students—including Aaron Jeschke (Industrial Design, 2021)—faculty, and an alum worked with Form5 Prosthetics to use 3D printing to build prosthetics for children with limb differences in need. Their work was covered by local media, including SpectrumNews1 and NBC4.
Read more here
6 ways to build resilience
Visit CCAD CampusWell for guidance on how you can use a variety of techniques to deal with the physical and emotional effects of stress.
Student spotlight
Name: Meredith Swortwood
Major: Master of Fine Arts
Class year: 2021
Hometown: Cincinnati, but I consider Columbus home now. I've lived here for 13 years.
Where you’re located for spring semester: Columbus—in a cozy Clintonville apartment with lots of plants and windows
Favorite spot on campus: Cloyd Family Animation Center
Favorite thing to do in Columbus: Biking the Olentangy Trail
Last show you binge-watched: Schitt's Creek
Most-played song on your playlist right now: Mood 4 Eva | Beyoncé
Your time at CCAD in 3 emojis:
Your pandemic experience in 3 emojis:
How has your creative practice changed since the COVID-19 pandemic began? Pre-pandemic I was creating an educational wildlife conservation card game by illustrating in Photoshop. When we moved to remote learning, I felt disconnected from my subject matter, lemurs and Madagascar. I shifted my creative practice to depict subjects that were more personal: baby chickens and farm animals. I also went back to using traditional materials (watercolor, ink, and now, charcoal).
Current artist/designer crush: Charlie Mackesy
Favorite thing about CCAD: The people. It's a definite tie between the relationships with my cohort and my mentors/professors.
Your social media handle: @meredith.swortwood
Campus groups or activities: GRAB (Grad Resources and Buddies)
Share your story
Have an upcoming exhibition? Doing something cool with your art and design skills? Let us know.